Faculty Profile

Anvar Dastbaz
Update: 2024-09-12

Anvar Dastbaz

Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences / Department of Consulting Group

Theses Faculty

M.Sc. Theses

  1. Comparing the role of university education in entrepreneurship, self-efficacy and employment generation of technical and vocational university graduates with other universities
    The aim of the present research was to compare the role of university education in entrepreneurship, self-efficacy, and employment generation among graduates from technical and vocational universities and graduates from other universities. In this study, adopting a cognitive-action orientation and research hypotheses, a research design with a quantitative approach was implemented. The research strategy was descriptive and quasi-experimental. The statistical population in this research included all graduates from 1395 to 1400 (Electrical and Computer Engineering) of the Technical and Vocational University and Kurdistan University, totaling 1043 individuals in the Kurdistan province. Considering the study type and data collection tools, a subset of graduates from 1395 to 1400 (Electrical and Computer Engineering) in these two universities was selected as the sample using a relative stratified random sampling method, and the required sample size of 281 individuals was determined based on Kerjcie and Morgan's table (1970). To collect data, the Entrepreneurship Attitude Questionnaire by Bahramzadeh et al. (2009), General Self-Efficacy Questionnaire by Sherer et al. (1982), and Employment Enabling Factors Questionnaire from the perspective of Nargesi et al. (2018) were used. Descriptive statistics, including mean and standard deviation, were used for data analysis in the descriptive section, and inferential statistical methods (independent t-test and analysis of variance) were employed to test the research hypotheses using SPSS-26 software, while observing their preconditions. The results of data analysis in the descriptive section showed that the overall mean of entrepreneurship and the means of its components (creativity, progress motivation, and risk-taking) for graduates of the Technical and Vocational University were higher than those for graduates from Kurdistan University. However, in the foresight component, the mean for graduates of Kurdistan University was higher than that for Technical and Vocational University graduates. Additionally, the mean of self-efficacy and its components for graduates of the Technical and Vocational University were higher than those for graduates from Kurdistan University, and the mean of employment generation in all components, except for post-graduation employment opportunities, was higher for Technical and Vocational University graduates. Furthermore, the results of the t-test showed that there is no significant difference in the entrepreneurship variable and its components, including creativity, risk-taking, and foresight, at the 0.05 level of significance. However, in the progress motivation component, the difference is significant at the 0.05 level. In the self-efficacy variable, the components of educational self-efficacy and occupational self-efficacy are significant at the 0.05 level, but social self-efficacy is not significant at the 0.05 level. Moreover, in the employment generation variable, all components are significant at the 0.05 level.
  2. Adlerian reading of the subject characters in the novels "Call Me Beautiful" by Farhad Hassanzadeh and "Taste of Yellow Apple" by Nasser Yousefi
    Psychology of literature is one of the important interdisciplinary fields in the realms of literature and psychology. The novels "The Taste of Yellow Apple" by Naser Yousufi and "Call Me Beautiful" by Farhad Hassanzadeh, targeted for adolescent readers (12 to 18 years old), exhibit distinctive features such as the psychological and emotional challenges faced by the characters, the similarities in the themes of both stories involving the formation of their complexes of resentment toward their "fathers," internal contradictions and struggles of the adolescent subjects in both novels, their personal and societal frustrations, the nature of their complexes of resentment, and the unique lifestyles that take shape in connection with these issues in their fictional worlds. Also, the theme of "Neglected Children" in the world of children's and young adult literature provides reliable subjects for research in the field of the psychology of literature. This is particularly noteworthy because the mentioned issues are important and influential components in the biological and personal development of adolescents, as presented in these two novels within a narrative framework. Alfred Adler's individual psychology, distancing itself from psychoanalytic approaches based on inner impulses and the unconscious, elucidates the process of an individual's personality development within their social life. Emphasizing principles such as "feelings of inferiority" as the main catalyst and motivation for personal growth and development, Adler's approach focuses on the social nature of humans and their intellectual and personality evolution within the context of social relationships. The individual's ultimate goal in this process of personality development, shaping their overall "lifestyle," becomes a reliable foundation for the psychological critique of these two novels. In this thesis, we delve into the critique and examination of the characters presented in two novels, "The Taste of Yellow Apple" by Naser Yousufi and "Call Me Beautiful" by Farhad Hassanzadeh, relying on Alfred Adler's theory. The results of the analysis indicate that in these stories, the issue of abandoned or marginalized adolescent subjects and their complexes of inferiority is raised as their most important issue in dealing with the external environment beyond the home. Among the factors creating inferiority complexes in adolescent subjects in both stories, the situation of "abandoned or neglected adolescents" is an important factor in creating their inferiority complexes. Among these, confronting the outside environment provides an opportunity for adolescent self-awareness and a better understanding of their inferiority complexes. The sense of superiority in adolescents and the effort to create social interests develop in a self-aware manner during this confrontation with the external environment, prompting them to directly confront their psychological problems and crises. Consequently, their lifestyle takes shape in a self-aware and self-recognizing manner.