Faculty Profile

Loghman Emamgholi
Update: 2024-09-19

Loghman Emamgholi

Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences / Department of Sociology

Theses Faculty

M.Sc. Theses

  1. Survey of cultural ecosystem services in relation to land potential and existing use in the Bijar Protected Area
    Ecosystem service potential is often assessed using land cover data. The actual use of cultural ecosystem services (CES) by stakeholders is often assumed to match the potential of the region. In this research, cultural ecosystem services such as recreation, inspiration, or scenic beauty were evaluated in the Bijar mountain protected area and its surroundings, and the level of alignment and fit between land potential and existing use of CES was studied. The potential of CES was modeled using six biophysical indices derived from ground observations and open space data. For existing CES use, collaborative mapping was utilized with protected area visitors and local experts. For this purpose, visitor preferences were taken into account, and the actual use of CES was modeled as a function of landscape biophysical indicators proportional to the weight of each indicator. Biophysical information and the use of land cover data alone cannot fully describe the actual use of CES, but they showed a good fit of 75% between the modeled potential supply and the actual use. Additionally, accessibility was calculated as an influencing factor in the protected area by computing the travel cost, and the effect was given to increase the explanatory power. The results of this study can improve visitor management by preparing a map of ecosystem cultural services and addressing the actual use of CES, thereby providing basic information for landscape management and conservation planning and management for managers, as well as providing a valuable experience of nature for visitors. Broader socio-cultural characteristics are needed to fully explain the spatial patterns that attracted visitors to CES-protected areas, which require further research and investment.
  2. Identification of areas with potential for nature tourism and analysis of norms effective on its actualization in local communities(case study: Badr and Parshan protected area)
    Achieving sustainable development depends on paying attention to the existing norms in each region. Environmental protection is one of the foundations of sustainable development. The purpose of this research was to identify areas with potential for nature tourism and analyze the norms effective on its actualization in local communities in the protected area of Badr and Parshan in Kurdistan province, Qorve city. The statistical population in this region was 146 people in the villages of Puloserkan, Sarqal, Mihem Sefali, Mihem olia, Vali-Abad and Nemat-Abad, and 106 people were selected as a sample according to Cochran's formula and matching with Morgan's table. In order to calculate the internal consistency of the research tool, Cronbach's alpha statistic method was used. Spearman's correlation was used for the relationship between independent and dependent variables. GIS approach was used to investigate the potential of nature tourism in Badr and Parshan region. In this method, land use indicators, digital height model, vegetation density, slope direction, slope, soil science, distance from the road and distance from water resources were used. The results of the Spearman test showed that all six independent variables (legal norms, normative beliefs, cooperative norms, acceptance of responsibility, awareness of environmental consequences and environmental concerns) have a positive and significant relationship with nature tourism. Also, the empirical t-values of the path of the influence of the acceptance of responsibility factor on the nature tourism factor, the awareness of environmental consequences factor on the nature tourism factor, the participatory norms factor on the acceptance of responsibility factor, the legal norms factor on the nature tourism factor and the concern factor Environment on the factor of nature tourism is greater than the critical value and shows a significant relationship. The results of nature tourism potential showed that most of the study area has "suitable", "moderate", "very unsuitable", "very suitable" and "unsuitable" tourism potential. The area of each of these levels is 11274, 11075, 9786, 9699 and 9250 hectares respectively.