Faculty Profile

Abdollah Amini
Update: 2024-09-19

Abdollah Amini

Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences / Departmant of Educational Sciences

Theses Faculty

M.Sc. Theses

  1. Investigating the relation between the manager's Participative Leadership style and increasing the Teaching quality of teachers with the mediating role of organizational trust
    The aim of the present study was to investigate the relationship between the manager's Participative Leadership style and the increase in the quality of teachers' teaching with the mediating role of organizational trust. In terms of method, the present research was descriptive of the correlation type, in terms of purpose, applied, and in terms of the method of data collection, it was part of quantitative research. The statistical population of the present study included elementary school teachers in the 13th district of Tehran (625 people) who were teaching in 1402-1403. The research sample was selected according to Karjesi and Morgan's table and 242 people were selected by stepwise cluster random method. Variables' information was collected through Arnold et al.'s (2000) Participative Leadership Questionnaire, Siraj's Teaching Quality Questionnaire (2011) and Organizational Trust Questionnaire (Kanawattanachai and Yoo). The data were analyzed through the structural equation model. According to the findings, the direct effect of Participative leadership on organizational trust and teaching quality was significant. Also, the indirect effect of Participative leadership through the mediation of organizational trust on meaningful teaching quality was obtained. The direct effect of organizational trust on teaching quality was also significant.
  2. "School Choice": Episodic Narratives of Students and Parents’ Experience
    Nowadays, all families are looking for suitable schools for the registration and studing of their children, which have all the dimensions and components of better schools, such as human resources, space, equipment and technology, and educational programs. Accordingly, they have to choose schools. Therefore, the purpose of this research is episodic narratives of parents' and students' experiences in choosing schools. The study method in this research, according to the nature of the topic and research questions, is included in the qualitative research and interpretive paradigm, and the research is focused on the narratives of parents and students of Sanandaj city on how choose a school. The statistical population consists of parents and students who are studying in schools in Sanandaj, to select these people, a purposeful and criteria-based sampling was used. The results showed that the codes extracted from 24 interviews were equal to 123 primary codes and 7 core codes (the meaning of school choice, the first experience of facing school choice, the role of education in the family, the role of school choice in changing the relationship with others, The role of the power of school choice in childhood and the present time, the characteristics of school choice and the people responsible for the changes caused by having or not having the right to choose school. The results of this research indicated that there are visible differences in the choice of schools from the perspective of parents and students; Students are more interested in features such as educational and sports facilities and the success rate of students in entrance exam; And parents consider features such as the school environment from perspectives such as the students being on the same level as their children, the cultural nature of the school environment, and the character of the teaching and service staff as well as other students. In the end, parents act the most effectiveness role in choosing the school for their children. These results can introduce some of these criteria conceptually and operationally in the policies of educational systems and also help families to choose the optimal school.