Faculty Profile

Zeynab Aeeni
Update: 2024-09-19

Zeynab Aeeni

Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences / Department of Business Administration

Theses Faculty

M.Sc. Theses

  1. The effect of effective factors on intra-organizational entrepreneurship in small and medium enterprises of Kurdistan province
    Today, businesses have well realized that to remain competitive, they must use more creativity and innovation in their business. For this reason, they focus more seriously on this issue and look for suitable ways to improve their creativity, and one of the best solutions for this purpose is intra-organizational entrepreneurship. Intra-organizational entrepreneurship has the greatest impact on long-term organizational performance, especially adaptation and survival. Since these are the criteria that form the foundation of strategic management and the entrepreneurial process in an organization should be initiated at the strategic level, an entrepreneurial approach of strategic management allows the organization to respond to changes in the external environment with better preparedness. , adapted over time, continue to live. The current research is in the category of applied research in terms of its purpose, and in terms of classification based on the method of data collection, it is included in the category of correlational descriptive research. The statistical population of this research consists of all active small and medium-sized businesses in the industrial towns of Kurdistan province. The sample of this research is the employees of small and medium companies active in industrial cities. The sampling method is random and 384 people were selected as a sample. The data collection tool is a questionnaire and structural equation modeling has been used to analyze the data. The results of this research indicate that risk-taking, organizational structure, environmental factors, organizational support and job anxiety affect intra-organizational entrepreneurship, which have a greater impact on intra-organizational entrepreneurship among the dimensions of risk-taking with a path coefficient of 0.575.
  2. Exploring students' perception of the entrepreneurship desirability and feasibilty in an inefficient institutional environment (case study: private and public universities of Takhar, Afghanistan)
    Entrepreneurship is a concept that has always been with mankind, but in the current situation, as a new phenomenon, it has found effective knowledge in the economic progress of countries. Economic, social factors and policy measures can affect the level of entrepreneurship, public policies can affect entrepreneurship in different ways. Accordingly, the purpose of this research is to investigate students' perception of the desirability and feasibility of entrepreneurship in an inefficient institutional environment (case study: private and public universities of Takhar, Afghanistan). In terms of purpose, this research is applied-developmental and among the different approaches of data collection through survey-descriptive. The research field of this research is the private and public universities of Takhar in Afghanistan, the number of these students is 5450 according to the latest statistics of the university, 20 people were considered as a statistical sample by means of targeted sampling, and semi-structured interviews were used to collect data. The findings of the research showed that after analyzing the interviews, 122 initial codes were extracted and after that, the initial codes were extracted in the form of 4 core code categories of the meaning of entrepreneurship and entrepreneur, the advantage of entrepreneurship, support platforms for entrepreneurship and institutional challenges facing entrepreneurship. It was found that the first two categories of central codes affect students' perception of desirability and the second two central codes affect students' perception of the feasibility of entrepreneurship in the Afghan environment. Based on these findings, it can be stated that identifying factors affecting students' perception of the desirability and feasibility of the field will facilitate the design of effective educational policies and provide the necessary platforms to strengthen entrepreneurship in Afghanistan.
  3. Analyzing the effects of international sanctions on business and entrepreneurs' strategies in the framework of external enablers (Case Study: Auto Parts Manufacturers
    The economy of any country reflects its overall health, and the automotive industry is considered one of the important sectors of the economy that contributes to both the increase in gross domestic product and progress and development. International sanctions, as an external factor and mechanism, have created direct and indirect constraints and obstacles on this industry. Entrepreneurs and executives in this industry must strive to cope with these challenges, adopt strategies for survival, discover potential opportunities, and make the best use of them. The aim of this research is to investigate the effects of international sanctions on automotive parts manufacturers in Iran. Furthermore, the research examines and explores the strategies employed by entrepreneurs to deal with these opportunities and constraints. The current study was conducted using a qualitative approach and semi-structured interviews. The snowball sampling technique was employed, and interviews and analysis continued until theoretical saturation was reached with seven entrepreneurs. The data were analyzed using MAXQUDA 2020 and Excel software. The initial output of the data was categorized into general and specialized characteristics of the participants and their businesses, the positive and negative impacts of international sanctions, and entrepreneurial strategies to cope with the sanctions. Subsequently, various codes, diagrams, and necessary graphs were extracted, and the data were analyzed from three perspectives: the direct and primary impacts of international sanctions, the indirect and secondary impacts of international sanctions, and entrepreneurial coping strategies. Finally, a conceptual diagram was created to illustrate the meaningful relationship between the strategies employed by entrepreneurs to deal with the impacts of international sanctions. The results indicate that the negative impacts of sanctions account for more than 80%. The strategies adopted by entrepreneurs in this industry have been effective in maintaining survival, but they have been deprived of cutting-edge technology, equipment, and global raw materials. Moreover, some of the constraints may not be easily compensable.
  4. Investigating the effect of entrepreneurial competencies in obtaining bank financial resources of small and medium enterprises in Kurdistan province by examining the moderating role of prior experience.
    The purpose of the present study is to investigate the impact of entrepreneurial skills in obtaining bank financial resources of small and medium enterprises in Kurdistan province by examining the moderating role of previous experience. According to the purpose and nature of the subject, this research is of a descriptive-correlation type. The statistical population of the present research is 762 owners/managers of active and semi-active small and medium enterprises (less than 100 employees) with industrial exploitation licenses in Kurdistan province who have used bank facilities as working capital or fixed capital. 255 people have been selected as a statistical sample through the sample size determination formula to estimate the success ratio and to answer the questions of the questionnaire. The measurement tool is a standard consolidated questionnaire including standard demographic, financing, innovation, communication (networking) and previous experience questionnaires, the validity of the questionnaires along with the general and specific objectives has been confirmed by 10 experts (management professors). and the reliability of the questionnaire was evaluated by calculating Cronbach's alpha for each of the research indicators, and considering that most of the obtained coefficients are greater than 0.70, it indicates the reliability of the tool is acceptable. In order to statistically analyze the data, smart-pls software has been used in two levels, descriptive statistics and inferential statistics. The findings of the two main hypotheses of the research show that there is a direct, positive and significant effect between entrepreneurial competencies (innovation and communication) and access to bank facilities. But in examining the effect of entrepreneurship competencies (innovation and communication) and obtaining banking facilities with the moderating role of previous experience, it is clear that the moderating variable of previous experience only has a direct and significant effect on communication competence in obtaining banking facilities, and the effect of this variable on competence Innovation in obtaining bank facilities has been rejected.
  5. Identifying resource acquisition strategies by female entrepreneurs within the framework of resource-based approach
    This study aims to identify resource acquisition strategies by female entrepreneurs within the framework of the resource-oriented approach. The present research is considered a qualitative research method in terms of objective, applied research type, method type, and data collection method. The statistical population included 10 female entrepreneurs in two provinces of Kermanshah and Kurdistan, which were selected by a targeted method and using the snowball technique. The main tool of data collection in the field section includes semi-structured interviews. In the qualitative analysis, theme analysis and Max Kyuda software were used. For coding, the text of each interview was segmented and a code was considered for each segment (the basis of the segment was the meaning, content, and theme that covered the purpose of the research) and we chose the name of each code in a way that accurately and objectively describes it. The part is specified. The result of this step was the identification of a large number of codes, among which there were many common concepts and meanings. After screening several times, these codes were merged with each other considering the similarities and differences, which resulted in the extraction of subcategories and categories. After developing the model, expert consensus was used to check validity. In order to check the reliability of the model by using expert opinions, by using the process evaluation form and the structure of the final model, the method of agreement between evaluators was used. Based on the results of the qualitative analysis of six main components and 13 sub-components, which are: management of entrepreneurial resources (program and vision of entrepreneurship and management of physical assets), challenges of acquiring entrepreneurial resources (economic challenge, cultural challenge and social challenge), the nature of resources Entrepreneurship (tangible resources and intangible resources), factors driving the acquisition of entrepreneurial resources (individual driving factors and structural driving factors), psychological dimensions of entrepreneurship (entrepreneur personality traits and entrepreneurial approach), consequences of acquiring entrepreneurial resources (enhancing entrepreneurial resources and advantages Acquiring entrepreneurial resources) was identified as the main components and sub-components of resource acquisition strategies by female entrepreneurs.
  6. The effect of cognitive capabilities on the formation of entrepreneurial intention with an emphasis on the moderating role of attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder among students
    Entrepreneurship is a concept that has been examined from different perspectives and is known as the driving engine of technology development and productive employment. Entrepreneurs play an important role in the cycle of business creation and the cognitive capabilities of these people in entrepreneurship research It is of great importance. Among the capabilities investigated in this research are: vigilance, self-confidence and risk-taking. Recently, much attention has been paid to the factors affecting the mental health of entrepreneurs and their behavioral characteristics, including attention deficit/hyperactivity disorder. As a result, due to the lack of research with this topic inside the country and the existence of research with topics similar to the subject of our research outside the country, in this research, we will look at the effect of cognitive abilities on the formation of entrepreneurial intention and the variable effect of ADHD on the relationship between We discuss cognitive abilities and entrepreneurial intention. It can be said that this research is one of the first researches that examines the mental health of people in their entrepreneurial behaviors and processes. The current research is quantitative in terms of its practical purpose, and survey in terms of data collection method. The statistical population in question is students studying at the University of Kurdistan's Faculty of Engineering in three levels: bachelor's, master's, and doctorate. Considering the number of students (the size of the target population) which includes 3500 engineering students, the statistical sample size considered for data collection in this research was 346 people based on Morgan's table. Data analysis is based on structural equations and the tools used in this research are pls version 3 and spss version 26 software. The remarkable finding in this research is that attention deficit/hyperactivity disorder has a negative and significant effect on the relationship between self-confidence and entrepreneurial intention. The current research can provide a basis for designing and revising entrepreneurship education for ADHD children, especially during childhood.
  7. Identification of Challenges and Human Resource Management Strategies in the Hospitality Industry during COVID-19: A Case Study of Kish Island
    The COVID-19 pandemic, as a global crisis, has had extensive impacts on various industries. Among them, the hospitality industry has been significantly affected by this crisis, posing multiple challenges for all its sectors, including human resource management. The unique characteristics of Kish Island, such as its special geography, natural resources, recreational and tourist facilities, reliance on tourism and the hospitality industry, as well as its special financial and economic conditions, have exacerbated the challenges of the COVID-19 crisis in this region. This thesis aims to identify the challenges arising from COVID-19 on human resource management in the hospitality industry of Kish Island and to identify counter-strategies. To achieve this, a qualitative research method and a case study approach were chosen. The study population consisted of senior managers of hotels on Kish Island, selected using purposive sampling. Semi-structured interviews were conducted to gather the perspectives and experiences of senior managers in dealing with human resource challenges during COVID-19, as well as their counter-strategies. The research results indicate that the COVID-19 crisis has created multiple challenges for human resource management in Kish Island's hotels at individual, organizational, and environmental levels. These challenges include concerns about COVID-19, staff illness, staff adjustment to new conditions, increased workload, service recovery management, organization, HR resource management, economic problems for hotels, training of new staff, crisis management, the unique geographical location of Kish, a shortage of skilled labor in Kish, the destructive nature of COVID-19, political issues, and government support for the hospitality industry, among others. The strategies implemented in response to these challenges were tailored to individual, organizational, and environmental levels. Strategies such as employee training and empowerment, enhancing mental well-being and staff motivation, improving managerial skills, service recovery strategies, financial and non-financial incentives, delegation of authority, cost reduction measures, emotional and financial support, and the development of new protocols were observed. The findings of this research not only contribute to a better understanding of the impact of the COVID-19 crisis on the hospitality industry but also provide effective strategies for human resource management in crisis situations to hotel managers and owners. This study can serve as a general model for human resource management in the hospitality industry in other regions as well.
  8. Investigating the effect of knowledge management on organizational agility with the mediating role of entrepreneurial orientation (case study: active businesses based in science and technology park of Kurdistan province)
    Nowadays, factors such as environmental changes, globalization of markets and technological developments have made the business environment more complex, and organizations must always adapt to these changes in order to remain in the cycle of competition. An effective strategy for managing these unpredictable changes is organizational agility. Agility helps organizations to quickly identify opportunities and take advantage of them. One of the basic characteristics of agile organizations is their knowledge-based nature. Efficient knowledge management leads to expansion of information exchange among employees, creation of creative ideas, development of innovation and reinforce entrepreneurial orientation, and in this way provides the context for the organization to achieve agility. According to this, the aim of this research is to investigate the effect of knowledge management on organizational agility considering the mediating role of entrepreneurial orientation in active businesses based in the Science and Technology Park of Kurdistan province. This research has been conducted relying upon a survey. Data has been gathered from businesses located in science and technology park of Kurdistan province. The data collection tool is a standardized questionnaire based on the Likert scale, and 143 questionnaires were collected out of 155 questionnaires distributed among the managers and experts of the businesses. The validity of the questionnaire was confirmed through convergent and Discriminant validity, and its reliability was confirmed through Cronbach's alpha coefficient. Structural equation modeling based on partial least squares (PLS) with SmartPLS3 software is used for data analysis, and SPSS26 software is used for conducting statistical tests. The statistical tests used in this research were chosen after determining the normality of the data distribution; So that for data with normal distribution, parametric tests are used and for data with non-normal distribution, non-parametric tests are used. The results show that knowledge management has a positive and significant effect on organizational agility and entrepreneurial orientation, entrepreneurial orientation has a positive and significant effect on organizational agility. The main finding of this study is that knowledge management through reinforcing entrepreneurial orientation has a significant impact on organizational agility.
  9. Understanding the behavior of alpha generation consumers with a qualitative approach
    Introduction: In order to target the needs of particular consumers, it is now necessary to comprehend the values, motivations, attitudes, and habits of a generation. Since a decade ago, it has been clear to all that a new generation is about to emerge and be born, and that many aspects of its world, its era, and its opportunities are unprecedented in all of human history. The Alpha generation is fundamentally different from earlier generations and has a significant role as consumers. They are increasingly influencing their parents' purchasing decisions, and many major international corporations have chosen and paid attention to this generation as their primary customers, however, very few companies are aware of them. Therefore, the current research foucused on understanding the consumer behavior of the Generation Alpha (children born in or after 2010) considering their psychological aspects, including attitude and behavioral habits. Method: The current research is in view of the practical purpose and nature of qualitative data using an existential-phenomenological strategy of an interpretive nature with a judgmental non-parametric sampling method. The statistical population consisted of 20 parents with children between the ages of 3 and 13 who were contacted through schools in the city of Sanandaj and their lived experiences were collected using a semi-structured interview tool that was validated by experts. Thematic analysis technique according to Braun and Clarke's method was used to analyze the data with a test-retest reliability of 85% and inter-coder reliability of 82%. Findings: By analyzing the data, 628 codes, 81 sub-themes and 26 main themes, of which 20 main themes are in three dimensions of attitude, i.e. quick and easy access, reference group, economic perspective in purchasing, perceived risks, perceived product quality, being family-oriented, media as selection criteria, being healthy and organic, leisure activities and innovative behavior lie in the cognitive dimension of attitude; identification with famous personalities, product beauty, attractiveness of the shopping environment, granting of the right to vote, innate search for novelty, hedonic consumption and emotional advertising lie in the emotional dimension of attitude; avoidance behavior, factors of the shopping environment and cognitive dissonance lie in the behavioral dimension of consumer attitudes and 6 other main themes in the two dimensions of habits, i.e. social reward and emotional reward , lie in the reward dimension of habits, and spatial stimuli, emotional stimuli, past events and other people lie in the symptom dimension of habits. Finally, companies and advertisers have presented strategies for managing, controlling and predicting Generation Alpha attitudes and behavior. Discussion: According to analyses done on the attitudes of Alpha generation consumers, this generation in Iranian society combines three components of emotion, behavior, and cognition through standard (attitude based on cognitive information processing) and experiential learning (attitude based on hedonic consumption) hierarchies to create its own attitude and furthermore, this alpha generation makes more purchases of goods with a utilitarian purpose when viewed from the standpoint of attitude functions. When it comes to the behavioral habits of the alpha generation of consumers, egoistic reward is the most rewarding aspect of the habit, and when it comes to the habit's sign, environmental (external) signs are regarded as the most effective sign in the repetition of habits.
  10. The effect of entrepreneurial enthusiasm on entrepreneurial tendency with the mediating role of entrepreneurial awareness (Study case: knowledge-based companies of Kermanshah province)
    The purpose of the current research is to investigate the effect of entrepreneurial passion on entrepreneurial orientation with the mediating role of entrepreneurial consciousness. The current research is applied in terms of purpose and descriptive in terms of data collection method and specifically a combination of descriptive-causal type and quantitative in terms of data type. The method of data collection is from the library and internet method in order to get familiar with the literature and the background of the research and the field method in order to collect the required data from the people included in the statistical sample. The statistical population in this study consists of knowledge-based companies in Kermanshah provinces. whose number is 64 companies, due to the limited number of managers and vice-presidents of knowledge-based companies, the available sampling method was used and 4 people from each company, including the manager and three vice-presidents (deputy financial, administrative and sales manager and manager executive) a total of 256 people were invited to cooperate. With this sample size, the structural equation sampling standards have also been observed. To measure the components and variables used in the research, standard questionnaires consisting of 25 questions and based on a 5-point Likert scale were used. With the help of PLS statistical software, the validity and reliability of the questionnaire and related tests were conducted on the research hypotheses. With the investigations carried out in the statistical tests of the research, the effect of entrepreneurial passion on entrepreneurial tendency was confirmed with the mediating role of entrepreneurial awareness, this view can create a basis for creating a positive change in the activity environment of knowledge-based companies in all dimensions and using different dimensions of business. be in the organization
  11. شناسایی موانع دستیابی زنان به پست‌های مدیریتی
    علی‌رغم برخی پیشرفت‌‌های اخیر، زنان در دسترسی به پست‌‌های مدیریتی با مشکلات بیشتری روبرو هستند. زنان یکی از سرمایه های با ارزش هر کشور به خصوص درکشورهای در حال توسعه هستند. از آنجایی که برابری جنسیتی یکی از اهداف توسعه پایدار است، توسعه و به کارگیری نیمی از استعدادهای موجود در جهان به خصوص در پست‌های مدیریتی، تأثیر بسزایی در رشد، رقابت و آمادگی اقتصادها و مشاغل جهان در آینده دارد. بنابراین این پژوهش با هدف شناسایی و الویت‌بندی موانع دستیابی زنان به پست‌های مدیریتی صورت گرفت همچنین تاثیر متغیرهای جمعیت‌شناختی بر روی موانع مورد بررسی قرار گرفت. پژوهش حاضر در بازه زمانی مهر ماه سال 1401 لغایت بهمن ماه سال 1401 انجام گرفته است. جهت تحقق هدف پژوهش ابتدا با بررسی مبانی نظری و پیشینه پژوهش شاخص‌های اندازه‌گیری هر یک از مولفه‌ها و ابعاد مورد بررسی در این پژوهش استخراج و در نهایت چارچوب مفهومی پژوهش تدوین شد. پژوهش حاضر از نظر هدف کاربردی و از لحاظ گردآوری داده‌ها توصیفی- پیمایشی است. داده‌های مورد نیاز در این مطالعه با استفاده از پرسشنامه و بر اساس طیف 5 گزینه‌ای لیکرت جمع‌آوری گردید، جامعه آماری پژوهش نیز شامل مدیران زن در صنایع مختلف کشور در سازمان‌های دولتی، نیمه دولتی و خصوصی است. داده‌های مورد نیاز برای انجام پژوهش با استفاده از روش نمونه‌گیری دردسترس از میان 384 نفر از مدیران زن سازمان‌های ایرانی به-دست آمده است. جهت تایید روایی از نظر اساتید خبره استفاده شد و از آلفای کرونباخ جهت سنجش انسجام درونی ابزارها بهره گرفته شده است. تجزیه و تحلیل داده‌ها با نرم‌افزار SPSS انجام شد. جهت آزمون فرضیه‌ها از آزمون دو‌جمله‌ای و برای رتبه بندی موانع از آزمون فریدمن استفاده شد. برای بررسی نقش متغیرهای جمعیت‌شناختی از آزمون کروسکال_ والیس و یو -من‌_ ویتنی استفاده شد. نتایج نشان داد که از میان 7 مانع شناسایی شده، فرهنگ سازمانی اولین و مهم‌ترین مانع، سیاست‌های منابع انسانی و ارزیابی عملکرد نابرابر مانع‌های دوم و سوم، تعادل کار و خانواده مانع چهارم و عدم دسترسی به شبکه‌های تاثیرگذار پنجمین مانع هستند که باعث عدم دستیابی زنان به پست‌های مدیریتی می‌شوند و کلیشه‌های جنستی و موانع انگیزشی از دیدگاه مدیران زن به عنوان مانع تایید نشدند. یافته‌ها بیانگر این است که مدیران زن به باورهای کلیشه‌ای که در مورد زنان وجود دارد، اعتقاد ندارند و معتقدند که این باورها از طرف جامعه به آنها تحمیل می‌شود. همچنین نتایج نقش عوامل جمعیت‌شناختی روی متغیرها نشان داد که تنها متغیرهای سیاست‌های منابع انسانی و عدم دسترسی به شبکه‌های تاثیرگذار در صنایع تولیدی، خدماتی و بازرگانی تفاوت معناداری نشان دادند.
  12. Identifying factors affecting the acceptance of rural digital innovation centers based on customers satisfaction approach
    Rural digital hubs offer physical spaces with fast, reliable internet access that provide a whole range of business and community support services in rural areas. Digital hubs can target digital literacy and help bridge the digital skills gap, or simply provide a much-needed broadband connection in rural areas. The current research was carried out with the aim of obtaining a process model for the adoption of rural digital innovation centers based on the approach of customer satisfaction in villages, in order to better understand this phenomenon. The research strategy used is qualitative-exploratory method, which was carried out using the grand theory. The sampling used in this research was the snowball method, based on which 15 semi-structured interviews were conducted with experts. The product of the analysis of the interviews was a set of primary concepts that were compiled and from which 16 categories, by means of open coding process, were extracted. Then, in the axial coding stage, the link between these categories was determined under the following titles: causal conditions, central phenomenon, contextual conditions, intervening conditions, strategies and the consequences of the adoption of rural digital innovation centers based on the customer satisfaction approach was determined in the form of the axial coding paradigm. In the selective coding stage, the categories were improved and integrated. The categories identified in this research are as follows; Causal conditions: economic deficiencies, socio-cultural deficiencies, implementation of education in a traditional way Contextual conditions: infrastructures, structural characteristics of the village, demographic composition.Intervening conditions: weakness and lack of unity in policy making, inefficient planning of rural affairs, profiteering in rural productions.Strategies: identification of resources and potentials, functions of innovation centers, pre-training.Consequences: socio-cultural development, economic development, intelligentization of agricultural exchanges, strengthening of political education. This model will help in acceptance of digitalization in rural areas.
  13. Identification the challenges of exploiting entrepreneurial opportunities (case study: digital sustainable entrepreneurship)
    Exploiting business opportunities as the main feature of entrepreneurship is an entrepreneurial action that includes strategic planning to achieve potential opportunities for starting a business. Entrepreneurs seek to take advantage of entrepreneurial opportunities, they face unusual challenges along the way. Sustainable entrepreneurship as a new research field is focused on the exploitation of business opportunities, in addition to providing new processes, products and services, to contribute to the development of society, economy and environmental protection. Digital technologies and digitization also develop the possibilities available to sustainable entrepreneurs and provide many opportunities for entrepreneurial activities. Considering the double challenges facing sustainable entrepreneurs compared to regular entrepreneurs and the expansion of digital businesses, the purpose of this research is to determine the entrepreneur who has identified a sustainable digital entrepreneurial opportunity at the time of exploiting the opportunity. And what challenges, limitations and obstacles does the business start-up face? The statistical population includes businesses that have been launched in the field of sustainable digital entrepreneurship in Kurdistan province. Using the purposeful sampling method and the snowball technique, 8 entrepreneurs, managers and founders of businesses who were active in the field of sustainable digital entrepreneurship, or whose field of activity was somehow related to this field, were selected. A semi-structured interview was used to collect data. In order to develop and analyze the data, the method of theme analysis has been used. Examining the results of the interviews showed that psychological skills and communication skills under the individual level, human resources skills and organizational behavior, financial and investment skills and marketing skills under the business level, official institutional factors and Informal, economic factors and unpredictable factors below the environmental level are serious challenges that sustainable digital entrepreneurs face while exploiting the opportunity and starting a business. The findings of this research provide valuable insights for future entrepreneurs in order to make more informed decisions and actions, as well as for politicians in designing laws and policies to eliminate these challenges and pave the way for entrepreneurs to exploit opportunities.
  14. بررسی رابطه پدیده های بازدارنده اجتماعی و چالش های رشد و فناوری در شرکت های مستقر در مراکز رشد دانشگاهی استان کردستان
    هدف پژوهش حاضر بررسی بررسی رابطه پدیده های بازدارنده اجتماعی و رشد و فناوری در شرکت های مستقر در پارک های علم و فناوری استان کردستان می باشد. با توجه به این که هدف پژوهش حاضر توصیف شرایط یا پدیده ای خاص می باشد، بنابراین از لحاظ ماهیت و روش، از نوع پژوهش های توصیفی- پیمایشی بوده و از دیدگاه هدف، در زمره پژوهش های کاربردی به شمار می آید. از آن جایی که به دنبال بررسی رابطه بین دو متغیر با مولفه ها و مدل مشخص می باشد از نوع تحقیقات همبستگی محسوب می شود. از دید زمانی و اجرایی نیز، یک پژوهش مقطعی- عرضی به شمار می آید. ابزار سنجش این پژوهش از نوع پرسشنامه می باشد که در بین مدیران و کارکنان شرکت های مستقر در پارک های علم و فناوری و اساتید دانشگاه و کارکنان و مدیران دانشگاه های کردستان و آزاد اسلامی، توزیع شده است. داده های بدست آمده از پرسشنامه در دو بخش آمار توصیفی و استنباطی با استفاده از نرم افزارهای نرم افزار آماری علوم اجتماعی مورد پردازش و تحلیل قرار گرفتند. نتایج بدست آمده از این مطالعه نشان داد که بر مبنای یافته های فرضیات پژوهش تایید شده اند و لذا می توان بیان داشت، عوامل روانشناختی بر رشد شرکت های مستقر در مراکز رشد دانشگاهی استان کردستان موثر بوده اند.
  15. بررسی خلاءهای نهادی پیاده سازی نوآوری سبز و ارتقای برند سبز در شرکت بهیر شهر کابل
    تغییرات اقلیمی، گرم شدن کره زمین و چالش های که در اثر این تغییرات موجب بوجود آمدن مفاهیم تازه در فرایند فعالیت های کسب و کار ها شد، که یکی از این مفاهیم نوآوری سبز است. هدف اصلی این پژوهش شناسایی دلایل روآوری به نوآوری سبز، چالش های موجود در راستای نوآوری سبز و همچنان واکنش شرکت در مواجهه با چالش ها، می باشد. مورد تحت مطالعه شرکت بهیر مستقر در شهر کابل می باشد. این پژوهش کیفی است و از نظر هدف کاربردی بوده و از منظر جمع آوری داده ها توصیفی می باشد. نمونه آماری پژوهش 10 نفر از مدیران و پایوران شرکت مورد مطالعه بوده و ابزار گردآوری داده ها مصاحبه نیمه ساختار یافته می باشد. بعد از مرور و بررسی مصاحبه ها اقدام به کدگذاری مفاهیم اولیه صورت گرفت. در نتیجه 80 کد باز شناسایی شدند که بعد از پالایش و بازبینی در نهایت 11 کد محوری که مرتبط با سوالات تحقیق هستند استخراج گردید.