Faculty Profile

Behzad Izadi
Update: 2024-09-19

Behzad Izadi

Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences / Department of Sport Sciences

Theses Faculty

M.Sc. Theses

  1. Designing an interpretive structural model of the brand sustainability model of the Iraqi Kurdistan Region Football Federation.
    The Addressing the issue of sustainability in sports organizations is no longer a choice, but a necessity. The steps taken today by players, fans, managers and sports organizations will affect the future of sports and the environment, economic and social environment. Therefore, considering the issues that have arisen in the field of sustainability in sports organizations and the need for the authorities and officials of sports institutions to pay attention to this important and vital matter, the present research intends to design a structural interpretive model of the sustainability of the Iraqi Kurdistan Football Federation brand. In this study, the library method was used to collect information from the beginning. In this method, the researcher studied the literature and records of the problem and the subject of the research, and based on that, wrote the generalities of the research and the theoretical foundations and background of the research. Next, the field method was used to collect data. In the field of study, the tool used was semi-structured interview. The interview was conducted face-to-face and in a place that was considered by the participants in the research. Participation in the interview was free and before the final interview, preliminary coordination was done with the people who were selected purposefully. In order to analyze the qualitative data, the Charms (2014) coding guidelines were used, which has two main stages of primary coding and focused coding. Also, to analyze quantitative data, interpretive structural modeling method was used with the help of SmartISM software. Using Micmac analysis, 14 factors related to brand sustainability in the Iraqi Kurdistan Regional Football Federation can be classified into three clusters according to their power of influence and dependence. The influence dependence diagram shows that there is no agent in the autonomous cluster, which means that no agent is completely isolated from this system. The second cluster of dependent factors includes "brand sustainability", "innovation", "up-to-date", "quality", "brand management" and "brand image". These factors have strong dependence power and weak influence power and are located at the high levels of the interpretive structural model hierarchy. Because of their strong dependence, other factors are needed to advance the dependent factors in achieving the system goal. It was also found that the factors of "positive mental identity" and "committed human force" are located in the link cluster. It was also found that the factors "culture and maintaining values", "coherent marketing communications", "social responsibility", "positioning", "stable identity" and "economic stability" are located in the independent cluster. It should be noted that these factors have a strong influencing power and a weak dependence power, which shows that they have a great influence on other factors in the dependent cluster. In general, these factors can be considered as the axis of strategy adjustment for decision makers. These factors are among the factors that, if seen in the program of the Iraqi Kurdistan Region Football Federation, will make the brand of the federation stable and strong. There are brands that are very successful and are considered among strong brands, but they are far from social and cultural values and harm their environment, or they do not have enough economic stability to achieve this. A brand can achieve stability that not only has sufficient strength internally, but also has externality and strengthens itself in terms of its values. So, since the essence of the brand is to be profitable and sustainable, it must create conditions that can go beyond sustainability and lead to sustainability.
  2. Investigating financing and income generation for handball clubs in Kurdistan region of Iraq
    The purpose of this research was to analyze financing and income generation for handball clubs in Kurdistan region of Iraq. The current research was of mixed qualitative (theme analysis approach) and quantitative (survey-descriptive approach). The statistical population of the research included all academic experts (professors of sports management and financial management of universities) and executive experts (handball field managers, financial and marketing managers in sports) in the Kurdistan region of Iraq. In the qualitative part, a sample of scientific and executive experts from the statistical population was estimated to reach theoretical saturation and sampled by judgmental method (14 people). A small sample of handball managers and experts who were members of clubs and federations in Iraq and Kurdistan Region was selected. The necessary number for modeling structural equations in SmartPLS software was estimated and sampled in a purposeful way (87 people). The research tool in the qualitative part was a semi-directed interview and in the quantitative part a questionnaire (61 questions on a 5-point Likert scale) was extracted from the qualitative part. The validity of the instrument and the results in the qualitative part is based on the internal validity of the interview process, reliability based on the agreement of the coders and in the quantitative part based on content validity (7 experts), Cronach's alpha (reliability) and fit indices (structural validity) of the evaluation model and Confirmed. In order to analyze the data, in the qualitative part, the theme analysis approach coding was used, and in the quantitative part, structural equation modeling (pls software) was used. The findings showed that the extracted conceptual framework included 61 core components, 15 sub-themes and 4 main themes. 4 main themes including; Attracting support and partnerships to handball clubs, generating income for handball clubs from sports capacity, making the financial and income system of handball clubs more efficient and developing the commercial and income capacity of handball clubs. The modeling of structural equations in the quantitative part shows that for the main dimensions, the results showed that the coefficients of income generation from sports capacity (0.93), efficiency of financial and income system (0.89), development of business and income capacity (63) respectively. 0.0) and the attraction of support and participation (0.62) explain the ability to finance and generate income in Aflim Kurdistan handball clubs. Therefore, the structure of the research is approved by the experts, the determined components were at a significant level explaining the framework of financing and income generation for handball clubs. In general, based on the findings, it can be said that financing and generating income for handball clubs in the Kurdistan Region requires the development and implementation of a suitable program and system that can improve and commercialize the capacities of the clubs and The environment of handball sport will reach a minimum economic stability from the current unfavorable situation.
  3. Incorporating the professionalism approaches for athletes' in the path sport-caree from basic to competitive sports (Study of Futsal in Kurdistan Region-Iraq)
    One of the requirements for the modernization of competitive sports in developing countries is the professionalization of human resources, including athletes, because without professionalism, they cannot reach a suitable level of progress and success in sports. Due to the difference between disciplines, systems and sports environments in the capacity of becoming professional; This research was focused on the theoretical integration of various approaches to the professionalism of athletes in the career-sport path from basic to competitive sports in the Kurdistan region of Iraq and its futsal case study. The research method was a mixed qualitative (thematic analysis approach) and quantitative (descriptive-correlation approach). Based on this, the research has three phases of framework exploration (thematic analysis), transforming the framework into a conceptual model (structural-interpretive modeling) and testing the model as a case in futsal sport (structural equation modeling). The statistical population includes scientific experts (teachers and researchers of sports management in universities) and executives (managers, experts and trainers in sports organizations) who are proficient and knowledgeable about the topic and field of research. The sample was determined in the qualitative section of members with high experience and knowledge and was estimated based on reaching theoretical saturation in the interview (17 people) and was sampled by judgmental method. In the structural-interpretive part, due to its nature, experts with research mastery were sampled (15 people in a purposeful way). In the structural equation modeling section, a selected sample of managers, coaches, athletes, lecturers, and researchers in the field of futsal sports in the Kurdistan Region was selected (92 people). The research tool in the qualitative part included a semi-guided interview based on a descriptive-questioning framework. The instrument of the structural-interpretive section of the questionnaire consisted of 11 variables determined as a pairwise comparison. In the structural equation modeling section, a questionnaire was used for the field of futsal. The validity of the research was evaluated and confirmed through the content validity of the data collection tool, the agreement of the coding correctors in the qualitative section, and the indicators of the model in the quantitative section. Data analysis was done in the qualitative section by using thematic coding, in the interpretive structural modeling section by using Micmac software, and in the structural equation modeling section by the SmartPLS method. The results of the qualitative part showed that the framework of extracted concepts includes 84 primary concepts, 34 secondary themes, 11 main themes and 5 general themes. The results of the structural-interpretive modeling section showed that at the first level, the factors of the consequences of professionalism for the sports system and the results of professionalism for athletes; In the second level, the factors of competence and professional development of athletes and professionalism in the stages of progress; In the third level, the factors of professionalization in the learning society, professional self-improvement of athletes and field and career professionalization; In the fourth level, the factors of the efficiency of the sports human resources system and the professionalization of sports talent management were placed, and in the fifth level, the factors that drive and prevent the professionalism of athletes were placed. According to the principles of the ISM method, the identified relationships were sequence effects between the fifth level and the first level. The results of structural equation modeling for the field of futsal also showed that the conceptual model for this discipline is approved. Based on the presented framework, it can be said that the professionalism of the athletes of the Iraqi Kurdistan region in the path of basic to competitive sports requires the integration of various approaches of professionalism in a multi-level process. This framework can be a theoretical and analytical guide for the trustees and Activists of this field should be in studies and research, planning and management, education and empowerment, and media in sports.
  4. Presenting the capacity measurement and capacity building framework of the state sports system for the development of Olympic disciplines (studying table tennis in the Kurdistan region of Iraq)
    The purpose of this research was to present the framework of capacity measurement and capacity building of the state sports system for the development of Olympic disciplines in the form of a case study of table tennis in the Kurdistan region of Iraq. The current research was of mixed qualitative (theme analysis approach) and quantitative (correlation-descriptive approach). The statistical population of the research included all scientific experts (university sports management professors) and executive experts (managers and experts of organizations) in the field of sports development in the Kurdistan region. In the qualitative part, a sample of scientific and executive experts from the statistical population was estimated to reach theoretical saturation and sampled by judgmental method (14 people). A small sample of table tennis experts was estimated in the necessary number for modeling structural equations in SmartPLS software and was sampled in a targeted way (108 people). The research tool in the qualitative part was a semi-directed interview and in the quantitative part a questionnaire (48 questions on a 7-point Likert scale) was extracted from the qualitative part. The validity of the tool and the results in the qualitative part was evaluated and confirmed based on the internal validity of the interview process, reliability based on the agreement of the coders, and in the quantitative part based on content validity (9 experts), Cronach's alpha (reliability) and fit indices (structural validity) of the model. . In order to analyze the data, in the qualitative part, the coding of the theme analysis approach was used, and in the quantitative part, structural equation modeling (pls software) was used. The findings showed that the extracted conceptual framework included 48 core components, 14 sub-themes and 3 general themes. The findings of structural equation modeling showed that all the dimensions related to the eight variables of the model were significantly explaining them. The path analysis also showed that the default relationships between the variables were confirmed at a significant level. In general, based on the findings, it can be said that the capacity of the state sports system for the development of Olympic disciplines such as table tennis in the Kurdistan region of Iraq requires capacity measurement and capacity identification, capacity building and capacity activation. and utilization of capacities.
  5. Identifying and prioritizing obstacles to the development of women's weightlifting in Iran
    The development of sports at the macro level is dependent on the development of sports fields. Weightlifting, as a medal-winning discipline, can make a significant contribution to this. In this regard, the purpose of the current research was to identify and prioritize the obstacles to the development of women's weightlifting in Iran. This research was done with qualitative-quantitative method. In the qualitative part, the participants included various actors related to this field, i.e. the officials of the federation, the officials of the provincial boards, coaches, referees and female weightlifters, who were selected by purposeful sampling in the number of 14 people and semi-structured interviews were conducted with them. Theoretical saturation was done. In the qualitative part, thematic analysis approach and Atlas TI software were used for data analysis. Also, in the quantitative part, to weight the variables identified from the qualitative part, the cause-effect relationship analysis method (DEMATEL) was used based on the data obtained from the questionnaires of 8 participants of the qualitative part. The findings showed that the obstacles to the development of women's weightlifting in Iran include the concepts of development management, development resources, development participation, development support processes, development areas, development support and development environment, which includes 19 sub-themes; National level management, provincial level management, financial and support resources, facilities and equipment, talents and athletes, coaches and referees, enthusiasts and learners, sports professionals and activists, managers and experts, knowledge and technology, training and empowerment, marketing and communication. Basic and amateur weightlifting, championship and professional weightlifting, supporting women's sports, supporting men's weightlifting, socio-cultural environment, sports environment and international environment. It can be said that the current research has comprehensively identified and prioritized the factors and obstacles in the path of development of women's weightlifting in Iran and has brought theoretical knowledge and practical insight in this field. Therefore, the relevant organizations such as the Ministry of Sports, the National Olympic Committee, the shooting federation, the general sports and youth departments of the provinces, and finally, the shooting boards of the provinces and cities should have a complete understanding and knowledge of these factors and obstacles to the development of the field in accordance with the results of the current research. Weightlifting, according to the importance and priority of the obstacles, has developed long and short-term strategies and plans in order to remove these obstacles in the shortest possible time and facilitate and accelerate the development of this discipline.
  6. Identifying and prioritizing obstacles to personal branding of Iranian professional female athletes
    In relation to the importance of branding and sports brand management in human brands, there have been limited researches, especially in relation to the brand of Iranian female athletes. Therefore, the present research was conducted in this direction with the aim of identifying and prioritizing the barriers to personal branding of Iranian professional female athletes. This research was done with qualitative-quantitative method. In the qualitative part, 12 participants, including experts in personal branding in sports, were selected by purposeful sampling and a semi-structured interview was conducted with them until theoretical saturation. In the qualitative part, the cause-effect relationship analysis method (DEMATEL) was used to weight the variables. The statistical sample in this section included 12 female professional athletes who are members of national teams. The findings showed the number of open codes (70), obstacles in the form of number (18) of sub-themes including weak psychological behaviors, poor sports performance, low knowledge of personal branding, lack of targeting, limitations of content production, lack of external attractiveness, Lack of social responsibility, lack of validation, lack of establishing a personal business, weak public relations, cultural limitations, weak values and social belief, weakness and organizational limitations, legal limitations, religious-religious limitations, weakness Team branding approach, technology weakness, media coverage weakness are categorized in three main themes including individual, cultural-social and structural in order of priority. According to the results obtained in this research, the following solutions can be proposed for Iranian female athletes in building a personal brand, such as media support, broadcasting sports matches, organization support, government support, creating better conditions for exercising, using the faces of female athletes in advertisements and billboards, changing attitudes The society suggested reducing the restrictive rules, the activity of the athlete himself, and with these methods, female athletes can introduce their brand more easily.
  7. The Impression of Media Advertising through Famous Athletes and Artists on the minds of Viewers
    In today's era, sports, both individually and as a team, play a significant role in the economy of countries. Sports is one of the most popular social phenomena of the modern era, which attracts the attention of different sections of society. This wide and diverse range has made commercial and industrial organizations very interested in promoting events and sports organizations with their goods and services. The purpose of this research is to compare the effects of media advertisements through famous athletes and artists on the mental involvement of viewers. In the current study, a causal-comparative research design has been used, in which the components of the comparison of the effects of media advertisements through famous athletes and artists on the minds of viewers have been compared. In this research, standard questionnaires were used to obtain the required data. The collection tool in this research is a two-part questionnaire, the first part includes demographic information and the second part includes general questions. To achieve the desired sample, questionnaire checklists are prepared electronically to create a link to the phone and computer system. The research community includes all Iranian athletes and artists living in Iran. The sampling method in this research is simply random. Due to the large size of the statistical population, 286 people were selected from the statistical population using Cochran's formula. SPSS and SmartPLS software were used to analyze the research findings. The research findings showed that the first to sixth hypotheses were confirmed (P-Value ≤ 0.05). The general conclusion of the research showed that among the famous approvers and validators; Famous athletes have a greater impact on advertising and consumer preferences and willingness to buy than famous artists. In general, the findings of this research provide a valuable insight into the field of sports marketing advertising. Specialists in the country's sports advertising industry should pay special attention to the advertising use of famous athletes, and the dimensions of attractiveness, expertise, and trust of these people in social networks.
  8. Stimuli for the reattend of Iranian football spectators: the impact of team identity, stadium atmosphere, flow, fan satisfaction
    The aim of the current research was to Stimuli for the reattend of Iranian football spectators' return: the effect of team identity, stadium atmosphere, flow and fan satisfaction. The research method was descriptive-correlational in terms of data collection, applied in terms of purpose and cross-sectional in terms of time. The statistical population of the research was made up of all the fans of the country's premier football league, whose number was unlimited. The statistical sample in this research was formed non-probably and the sample available online in social networks among the fans of the Premier League teams who had a history of attending stadiums. Estimation of the sample size based on Gpower software and based on the variables involved in the model, the desired sample size for fitting the model was estimated to be 222 samples. The researcher collected 300 samples according to the possibility of dropping samples, after reviewing the data and removing inappropriate cases, 277 samples were analyzed. Measurement tool, to measure the flow variable from the questionnaire of Lee et al., (2017); Stadium atmosphere and team identity from Lee et al., (2017); Satisfaction from Oliver (1993) and intention to attend from Teodorakis et al., (2013) were used in the five-point Likert scale, from completely disagree option (1) to completely agree option (5). In order to check the face validity, the questionnaire was given to 4 sports management professors. After checking the face validity and applying the opinions of the professors in the face validity section, the questionnaire was designed and distributed online. In order to check the structural validity, the external model of the research was evaluated. In this section, composite reliability, Cronbach's alpha coefficient, convergent validity and divergent validity were examined. In the section related to the evaluation of the reliability of the questionnaires (one of the requirements for the validation of the external model), two statistical methods, Cronbach's alpha coefficient, were used to evaluate the internal consistency of the questionnaires and the method of composite reliability or structural reliability of the questionnaires, another index that was investigated. The average variance index was extracted. In general, the research findings show the confirmation of all eight research hypotheses (P<0.05). In general, you explain and confirm the existence of a strong relationship between the team's identity, the atmosphere of the stadium, the flow, the satisfaction of the fans and the intention to return to the stadium. The effect of the presence of spectators in sports stadiums is not hidden, so it is necessary for the clubs and their managers to do their best in order to improve the quality of services provided to the fans as the central customers and the most important source of income of the club in order to encourage them to attend. Perform again in the stadiums.
  9. Design a comprehensive model of regular exercise consumption among Iranian university students ( based on Shank's theory)
    The purpose of the current research is to design a comprehensive model of regular exercise consumption among Iranian university students based on Shank's theory. The research was conducted using a mixed method (qualitative-quantitative). The method of data collection included library studies, questionnaires, and thematic analysis method. The statistical population was all non-physical education students of Iranian universities who regularly exercised at least three days per a week. The data collection tools in this research included semi-structured interviews in the qualitative part and researcher-made questionnaires in the quantitative part. In the quantitative analysis part of the research, the method of structural equations was used. The data analysis process of this research was done using SPSS and PLS software. In the qualitative part, after conducting 41 targeted interviews (theoretical saturation point) with the samples that met the research conditions, the results of the content analysis method were coded. In this stage, 67 basic themes were extracted, which were placed in the form of 13 organizing themes and three comprehensive themes. In the second stage of theme analysis, the interviews in the form of a researcher-made questionnaire were given to 30 experts and were analyzed using the Delphi method. In the quantitative part, 736 samples were randomly selected from the 5 regions of the Ministry of Science, which 724 correct questionnaires (312 = boys and 412 = girls) were collected and analyzed. The presented model was analyzed using structural equation model and PLS software. Finally, three internal dimensions β=0.428, external β=0.264 and situational β=0.373 in the form of 13 core components as influential factors in the regular and continuous university sports consumption model, were identified. The optimal fit of the model was confirmed by the data. In this research, internal factors, including perceptual, functional, physical and mental-psychological factors, were identified as the most important factors in the participation and consumption of active sports among students, while situational and external factors were less important, respectively. Also among the effective factors in the model There was a significant difference between regular and continuous exercise consumption in male and female students in the main category of external factors, but there was no significant difference in internal and situational factors, although the path coefficients in the model indicate a higher importance of situational and internal factors in women than in men. In this research, it was found that although many factors influence sports, the internal and motivational factors of people play an important role in the consumption and continuation of sports activities, and therefore, planning extracurricular sports activities in accordance with the internal and perceptual factors of students in increasing regular and continuous consumption Sports is influential among students, and it can be considered in the institutionalization of continuous sports in the university so that the effects and benefits of this bring the dynamism and health of the future generation.
  10. Presenting the Model of the Tendency to buy from the Gray Market in Sports (Case study: Buyers of Sports Supplements)
    One of the new areas of marketing related to the activities of multinational companies, which has been formed by the use of communication technologies and globalization, is gray marketing. In fact, gray markets refer to those markets in which multinational brands are distributed in a way other than the official basis of brand activity in the country's markets. The purpose of this research is to investigate and present the model of willingness to buy from the gray market in sports (case study: buyers of sports supplements. The statistical population of this research was formed by the users of sports supplements in Kurdistan province, which are about 2500, and the sample size was considered to be 333 people based on Cochran's formula, and the research tool was the adjusted questionnaire of Chaudhari and colleagues (2014) was. The obtained results showed that the variables of gaining social status, easy access to the product, economic sanctions, price-quality inference, price awareness, attitude towards purchase, prestige consumption and perceived risk on the willingness to buy sports supplements. Sports events in Kurdistan province are influential from the gray market. According to the results obtained in this research, it can be said that informing customers about the functional aspect of original products versus counterfeit products, as well as informative advertisements in introducing counterfeit products to people, and also changing their attitudes about the desire to Shopping in the gray market will be effective.
  11. Designing a pattern of economic development in the country's sports industry
    The current research was designed and implemented with the aim of designing an economic development model in Iran's sports industry. The current research was one of the mixed and combined researches that included both quantitative and qualitative parts. The statistical society was formed in the qualitative part of the research of the country's sports managers. which was a purposeful sampling method. For this purpose, the number of 13 sports managers of the country was determined as a research sample. Sampling continued in each section until theoretical saturation was reached. After theoretical saturation, another interview was conducted to ensure theoretical saturation. Also, the statistical population of this research in the quantitative part is all officials and senior and middle managers of sports organizations (Ministry of Sports and Youth, National Olympic Committee, sports federations) and all managers of professional sports clubs of the country. And due to the uncertainty of the exact number of the statistical population and considering the size of Cochran's sample in uncertain conditions, the number of 384 people was considered as a statistical sample. And available sampling method was used. The tools of data collection in the current research were semi-structured interviews and researcher-made questionnaires. To investigate the qualitative part of the research, thematic analysis and foundational data theory were used, and to investigate the quantitative part, structural equation method was used. All analyzes of this research were done in maxqda, SPSS and amos software. In this research, the four categories of creating sports spin-offs, outsourcing in sports institutions, crowdsourcing in sports institutions and development of sports blockchains as causal conditions, development of sports infrastructure, development of sports tourism, transfer of players and coaches to host events sports, international aid, international rights and the popularity of sports are the main contextual factors, two categories of sanctions factors and factors of lack of economic openness were identified as intervening categories. Economic democracy, sharing economy, green economy, social economy and economic growth are considered as the main categories resulting from the causal conditions. According to the set of concepts extracted from the interviews and the final codes, the researcher named the sub-category as the development of economic diplomacy in sports. The last part of the economic development model includes the consequences of the development of national culture and image, the development of policies in sports, the development of structural factors, the development of interactivity, social development and the development of supporters. The results of the quantitative part of the research show that causal conditions on the central category of economic development with a value of 0.70; background conditions on economic development strategies with a value of 0.72; The central category of economic development in the country's sports industry is on strategies with a value of 0.74; Intervening conditions on economic development strategies with a value of 0.71; Strategies have an effect on the consequences of economic development strategies with a value of 0.88
  12. The role of experience quality in the athlete’s loyalty of private clubs: examining the antecedent variables of providing sports services
    Today, an important part of the duties of sports towards society is the responsibility of clubs in various sports. Sports clubs play an important role in developing the health of people in the community and spending their healthy leisure time. Also, the actions of sports clubs in developing social interactions of people in the community have always been considered. The service industry has become a driving force of economic development in recent years. In today's highly competitive environment, competing businesses have consistently provided superior service quality for customer satisfaction and customer loyalty. The purpose of this research was the role of experience quality in the loyalty of athletes of private clubs: investigating the antecedent variables of providing sports services. The method of the present study was descriptive-correlational in terms of applied purpose, cross-sectional time and field data collection procedure. The statistical population of the study was all athletes of private clubs in Kurdistan province. Statistical power was used to determine the sample size. The researcher, considering the variables involved in the model and the duality of the hypotheses, considering the statistical power of 0.9; Effect size was 0.05 and alpha was 0.05 in Sample Power software, the minimum sample size (298) was estimated. Questionnaire measurement tool was taken from Brady and Kronin (2001), Kim and Choi (2013), Moore and Beitner (1995), Lamkeh et al. (2011), Zisamel et al. (1996) and Hosseini Yarandi et al. (1398) on a scale of 5. The Likert value of option 1 (very low) to option 5 (very high) was used. In order to determine the face validity of the measurement tool, the relevant questionnaire was examined by 2 professors of sports management and 3 people with experience in the field of coaching in sports clubs. Then it was spread in the target community and then the reliability and validity of its structures were examined. SPSS and Smart PLS software were used to analyze the research findings. Questionnaires were sent online to 450 people, of which 391 acceptable questionnaires were analyzed. Findings showed that the first to ninth hypotheses were confirmed (P <0.05). The general conclusion of the research showed that the quality of the athlete's experience has a positive and significant effect on the athlete's loyalty. Also, the quality of athletes' experience is influenced by the quality of service results, the quality of the athlete-athlete relationship, the quality of the coach-athlete interaction, and the quality of the club environment. We examined a number of key factors and it became clear that in order to improve the quality of the athletes' experience, clubs must provide differentiated services to athletes so that athletes enjoy sports and activities at the club and become loyal to the club. In general, the findings of this research provide a valuable insight into the field of sports club services, which need to be paid special attention to.
  13. Investigating the role of intangible resources on export performance with the mediating role of sports companies' market opportunity absorption capabilities
    Export is one of the most important initial steps of the organization for development and transitory capital to enter global markets. The purpose of investigating the role of intangible resources on export performance with the mediating role of market opportunity absorption capabilities of sports companies was designed and implemented. The purpose of this research is in the field of applied research, and on the other hand; Considering that in this research, library study methods and field methods such as questionnaires are used. Based on the nature and method, the current research is a descriptive research and it is also quantitative in terms of approach. The statistical population of the research includes all managing directors and members of the board of directors, production managers, marketing and sales managers, and premium sales representatives of the country's sports products manufacturing companies, numbering 540 people. According to the sample size formula in certain conditions, in this case, the number of samples was equal to 220 samples. In order to measure the variable of intangible resources from the questionnaire of Monterio et al. (2019), to measure the variable of export performance from the questionnaire of Li et al. The letter is used. In the present research, the data are analyzed in two stages, descriptive statistics and inferential statistics, and the use of structural equation testing with the help of SPSS and PLS software. The results of the research revealed that intangible resources have an effect of 0.362 on the export performance of sports companies, which is higher than 1.96 and the significance level is lower than 0.05. It was found that intangible resources have a significant impact on the export performance of sports companies.
  14. تاثیر اصالت برند مکمل های تغذیه ای ورزشی برتمایل به انتخاب مجددبرند توسط مصرف کنندگان ورزشی (مطالعه موردی باشگاه های ورزشی شهر سنندج)
    تحقیق حاضر با موضوع تاثیر اصالت برند مکملهای تغذیه ای ورزشی برتمایل به انتخاب مجددبرند توسط مصرف کنندگان ورزشی در بین ورزشکاران باشگاههای ورزشی سنندج با هدف بررسی تاثیر اصالت برند مکمل های غذایی بر انتخاب مجدد به طور مستقیم و با حضور متغیر کیفیت ارتباط به طور غیر مستقیم در سال 1400 بررسی شده است. تحقیق پیش رو از نظر هدف کاربردی و از نظر روش اجرا توصیفی – تحلیل به طریق پیمایشی بوده و جامعه ی آماری ورزشکاران باشگاههای سطح شهر سنندج می باشد که بر اساس فرمول کوکران تعداد نمونه آماری 384 نفر می باشد و روش جمع آوری داده ها از طریق پرسشنامه استاندارد با مقیاس لیکرت بوده است. و نرم افزار قابل استفاده spss و آموس می باشد. با توجه به داده های گرد آوری شده و تجزیه و تحلیل آماری فرضیه اول:رابطه ی متغیر اصالت برند با انتخاب مجدد به طور مستقیم رد شده و فرضیه های دوم تا چهارم نیز با توجه به اینکه بین متغیر کیفیت ارتباط و انتخاب مجدد هیچ رابطه ای وجود ندارد لذا ارتباط متغیر اصالت برند با انتخاب مجدد از طریق متغیر میانجی تعهد، رضایت و اعتماد نیز رد می باشد.
  15. Analyzing the mediating role of relationship quality in the relationship between motivation and perceived value of sports customers with the involvement of sports consumption
    The purpose of this study was to analyze the mediating role of relationship quality in the relationship between motivation and perceived value of sports customers with the involvement of sports consumption in volleyball fans in Kurdistan province. The research method is descriptive-correlational. The statistical population was all active volleyball fans in Kurdistan province. The statistical sample was estimated using Cochran's formula (324 people) and was sampled by stratified random sampling method. The research tool included a redesigned questionnaire from previous research for variables on a 5-point Likert scale. Content validity of the instrument was evaluated using experts' opinion (7 people), reliability was evaluated using Cronbach's alpha coefficient and construct validity was evaluated using confirmatory factor analysis. In data analysis in descriptive statistics of mean, standard deviation, frequency percentage and in inferential statistics analysis of relationships between conceptual model variables was performed using structural equation modeling method in Smart PLS software environment. The description of the dimensions of the variables showed that the internal motivation factor had the highest mean (5.71) and the structural quality of the relationship had the lowest mean (4.49). Based on the modeling results, the fit of the model was confirmed in three sections of measurement models, structural and general (SRMR = 0.07). Factor analysis of modeling results showed that the dimensions of external motivations (0.94) and internal motivations (0.87) had a significant role in explaining individual factors, respectively. Dimensions of non-consumption value (0.91) and consumption value (0.88) had a significant role in explaining the perceived value, respectively. The dimensions of the structural quality of the relationship (0.94) and the content quality of the relationship (0.74) had a significant role in explaining the quality of the relationship, respectively. Dimensions of face-to-face consumption (0.91) and virtual consumption (0.56) had a significant role in explaining the involvement of sports consumption, respectively. Path analysis of direct relationships between the main variables showed that customer motivations (0.64) and perceived value (0.20) have a significant effect on the quality of the relationship. Also, customer motivations (0.21) and perceived value (0.38) had a significant effect on sports consumption involvement. Finally, the quality of the correlation with a coefficient of 0.30 had a significant effect on sports consumption involvement. The sub-test showed that the indirect effect of customer motivation and perceived value on the involvement of sports consumption mediated by the quality of the relationship is significant with a coefficient of 0.24 and 0.18 in volleyball fans in Kurdistan province, respectively. According to the results, both direct and indirect effects (mediated by relationship quality) were customer motivation and perceived value on sports consumption engagement, but in the motivation variable, the direct relationship was more than the indirect mode and in the perceived value variable, the indirect mode was more than direct. Therefore, it can be said that although the motivation and perceived value of customers (fans) in themselves lead to the promotion of sports consumption conflict, but the intervention in mediating variables significantly enhances this effect. Therefore, the marketing team of volleyball teams and clubs in Kurdistan province is suggested to focus on promoting motivational stimuli, value and quality of the product in their marketing plan, emphasizing the participation of fans.
  16. Identifying the factors affecting the sports-career path in swimmers and providing appropriate solutions (study of Iraq’s Kurdistan Region)
    The purpose of this study was Identifying the factors affecting the sports-career path in swimmers and providing appropriate solutions in Iraq’s Kurdistan Region. The purpose of this study was to identify the factors affecting the sports-career path in swimmers and to provide appropriate solutions in the climate of Iraqi Kurdistan. The research method is qualitative (systematic exploratory approach) and quantitative (descriptive-correlation approach). The statistical population was selected in the qualitative stage including two sections of human resources (professors, managers and educators) and information resources (scientific, organizational, media) related to the research topic. The statistical sample was based on achieving theoretical saturation by purposeful (judgmental) sampling (15 people and 44 copies). In the quantitative part, a statistical sample including managers and swimming instructors was estimated in sufficient numbers based on Cochran's formula, and was selected by judgmental sampling method (123 people). The research tools of the qualitative part were guided systematic library study and exploratory interview, and in the quantitative part, a questionnaire extracted from the qualitative stage was used. The validity of the tools was checked in the qualitative stage based on the scientific and legal validity of the individuals and documents and the content validity of the tools and the degree of agreement between the coding correctors. In the quantitative stage, experts (content validity) and Cronbach's alpha were used. To analyze the findings in the qualitative part, the method of coding and modeling was used, and in the quantitative part, descriptive and inferential statistics (nonparametric Friedman and Human Whitney test) were used in SPSS software. The results of the qualitative section showed that 60 analytical components for the perspectives of factors, challenges and strategies by occupational, individual behavioral, managerial, structural and functional process dimensions constitute the conceptual framework of the sport-career path in swimming. نددهند. Based on quantitative results in the section of factors affecting the sports-career path in seedling sport; Sport and job dimensions, functional process factors, behavioral individual and managerial structure had priority, respectively. In the Challenges section; The results show that the dimensions of functional process challenges, job sports, individual behavioral and managerial structure have priority, respectively. In the solutions section, the results showed that structural and managerial solutions, behavioral individual, occupational sports and functional process have priority, respectively. The results of Friedman test for all three sections of factors, challenges and solutions show that there is a significant difference between the reported priority of the four dimensions. In this regard; The results of the Human Whitney test (post hoc test) showed that between the views of coaches and managers on functional process factors (more managers) and structural managerial factors (more coaches), managerial structural challenges (more coaches) and functional process strategies ( There was a significant difference in more managers and managerial structural solutions (more trainers) and there was no significant difference in other dimensions. Based on the results, it can be said that improving the sports-career path for swimmers requires the use of appropriate strategies (such as 21 cases identified in this study) to mitigate challenges and obstacles along with controlling the effect of factors in job sports perspectives, functional process, individual behavior. And it is a managerial structure, and in the meantime, due to the differences between managers and executive experts with trainers and instructors in functional process perspectives and managerial structure, more emphasis should be placed on these two perspectives.
  17. Identifying Factors Affecting the Professional Development of Referees (Study of Futsal Referees in the Iraqi Kurdistan Region)
    The purpose of this study is to identify and analyze the factors affecting the professional development of sports referees and to examine it on a case-by-case basis in the field of futsal referees in the Iraqi Kurdistan region. The research method is a combination of qualitative (systematic exploratory) and quantitative (descriptive survey). The statistical population was selected in the qualitative stage including two sections of human resources (judges, managers and professors) and information resources (scientific, organizational, media) related to the research topic. The statistical sample was based on achieving theoretical saturation by purposeful (judgmental) sampling (17 people and 51 copies). In the quantitative part, a statistical sample of futsal coaches was estimated to be a sufficient number based on Cochran's formula, and sampling was selected by judgmental method (102 people). The research tools were the qualitative part of systematic library study and exploratory interviews, and in the quantitative part, a questionnaire extracted from the qualitative stage was used. The validity of the tools was checked in the qualitative stage based on the scientific and legal validity of the individuals and documents and the content validity of the tools and the degree of agreement between the coding correctors. In the quantitative stage, experts' opinion (content validity) and Cronbach's alpha were used. To analyze the findings in the qualitative part, the method of coding and modeling was used, and in the quantitative part, descriptive and inferential statistics (nonparametric Friedman and Human Whitney test) were used in SPSS software. Based on qualitative findings, the determining factors in the professional development of sports referees in the Iraqi Kurdistan region included 54 components, 7 dimensions and 3 perspectives. Perspectives and dimensions include environmental factors (drivers and requirements, threats and constraints), structural factors (contextualization, planning and capacity building, process integration) and behavioral factors (enhancement of professional capabilities and professional consequences). Was. According to the conceptual model, the general flow of relations and chain of analysis between variables is obtained in the form of a sequence of environmental, structural and behavioral factors, and for that purpose, the drivers and requirements of referees' professionalization, threats and limitations, contextualization and context. Planning and capacity building, integration of professional development processes; Improving the professional skills of referees and the consequences of becoming a professional in sports referees. It actually consists of a sequence of environmental, structural and behavioral factors. Quantitative description of the dimensions of factors affecting the professional development of futsal referees in the Iraqi Kurdistan region showed that the factors of planning and capacity building of professional development had the highest and threats and restrictions had the lowest priority. Friedman test showed that there is a significant difference between the priority factors affecting the professional development of futsal referees. The Human-Whitney test showed that there was a significant difference between the views of referees and other experts on the factors that enhance the professional skills of referees and the consequences of referees becoming professional (it was more in referees) and there was no significant difference in other dimensions. Based on the research results, it can be said that the professional development of sports and futsal referees in the Iraqi Kurdistan region can lead to desirable outcomes through the management of the effects of environmental factors, the efficiency of structural factors and the strengthening of behavioral factors.
  18. Influence of sports figures' moral reputation on club and athlete brand equity based on attribution theory: The Case Study of Tehran Esteghlal Football Club
    This study aims to investigate the effect of the moral reputation of sports figures on the brand equity of Esteghlal Tehran Football Club and the athlete through the attribution theory. The research population included the fans of Esteghlal Tehran Football Club. Through a survey, perceptions of 384 participants were collected using a questionnaire. Findings showed that the moral reputation of sports figures (internal attribution) has a significant effect on the brand equity of the Esteghlal Tehran F.C. and the athlete. Also, the moral reputation of sports figures (external attribution) has a positive and significant effect on the brand equity of the club and the athlete at the 95% confidence level. So that, the variables of internal and external attribution could explain more than 50% of the changes related to the athlete's value variable and the rest (49.1% of the changes) are related to other factors as well as the variables of internal and external attribution. In general, more than 36% of the changes related to the club equity variable are explained and the rest (63.1% of the changes) are related to other factors. Examination and analysis of the components related to the variable of moral reputation of sports figures (internal attribution) showed that the component of cause (reflection of personal aspects of a famous person), among the components of moral reputation of sports figures (External attribution), cause components (considered by other individuals or organizations), between components related to the brand equity of the club, factors of purchase under the same conditions of the product or service, and between components related to the brand equity of the athlete, good performance against competitors, had the highest impact.
  19. The effect of primary school sports services on students' satisfaction and loyalty to sports activities.
    The purpose of this study was to investigate the effect of primary school sports services on students' satisfaction and loyalty to sports activities. The present study is applied in terms of purpose and descriptive-correlation in terms of implementation method. The statistical population included primary school students in Sanandaj. A total of 407 questionnaire samples were collected from the respondents randomly and used for statistical analysis. Cronbach's alpha and confirmatory factor analysis were used to evaluate the validity and reliability of the test, and structural equations and Spss and Amos software were used to test the hypotheses and models. . The results of the study showed that the quality of sports services in primary schools had a direct effect on satisfaction and indirectly and through the component of satisfaction on student loyalty. The results indicate the positive effect of the variables of sports facilities and intra-school competitions on satisfaction and school sports facilities on loyalty; But from service quality variables; Classroom and sports team had no significant effect on satisfaction and classroom, sports team and in-school competitions on loyalty. As a result, by examining the role of quality of school sports services, the quality of sports services in the assessed community is not in good condition, so that the research variables of physical education classroom and sports team were not able to satisfy students. It was not significant on student loyalty. Also, the results showed that satisfaction is a priority over loyalty and by increasing the quality of sports services in schools, it is possible to increase students' satisfaction and loyalty and institutionalize the development conditions of the sports industry in schools.
  20. Designing a framework of Sport policy in Iraqi Kurdistan Region
    Achieving a good governance as a desirable development in terms of social-political aspects, an efficient policy-making system and thereby its subsystems, is needed. One of the modern subsystems of development is a collection of structures and procedures in sports field and related areas such as physical activities, entertainment, and health. Nowadays, sports policy has been accepted as a specific approach in policy-making and national development among majority of leading countries. Also, sports policy- making has been considered as a significant field of study among the researchers, and had an outstanding improvement in terms of research, educational environments. Sports policy in developing countries has different conditions in comparison with developed countries, but an efficient system is basically considered a strategic necessity to prepare sports policy due to management specialization and sports governance. In this regard, the present study develops a conceptual framework for preparing sports politics for the sport of Kurdistan, Iraq. Research method was qualitative, with systematic exploratory approach, and based on content analysis (thematic). Target participants consisted of two parts; human resources (parliament representatives, sport authority and managers, politicians, media members, professors, etc.) and informational resources (article, book, plan, documents, etc.). Sampling method was based on reaching data saturation and was done by peer review (36 people and 56 documents). The study instruments were systematic theoretical research (concept extraction checklist) and exploratory interviews (open-ended questionnaire). Validity of research instruments achieved by scientific and legal consideration (people and documents), content validity was done by experts (based on checklist and questions) and the balance of compatibility among the coders in coding and evaluating was approved. In order to analyze the results, the method of content analysis was used according to three-step coding. The results of the research were consisted of two parts; conceptual framework and developing the sports policy model, and suggested political framework was based on that. The first part of the findings showed that conceptual framework and developing the sports policy model in Kurdistan region, included 294 components, 37 dimensions, 12 landscape and 4 levels. Succession of quadruple levels of the conceptual model included sports system level of the Kurdistan region, sports policy-making framework level, sports policy-making process level, and sports policy-making realization level. Twelve perspective landscapes also included the sport system elements, sport system levels, sport development resources, sport market and industry, activities and processes, policy-making necessity and hypothesis, the situation of developing the sport of the region, policy-making and formulating a policy, performing the policies, monitoring and evaluating the policies, ecosystem capacity-building, realization of sports policies and functions and sports policies realization of results were determined. In the second part of the results, suggested political framework, was based on qualitative model from the application of policy perspectives (capacities, challenges, politics and strategies, inter-organizational division of labor) with sport’s political areas (political and legal, managerial and executive, social and cultural, economic and financial, scientific and educational, event and participation and resources and infrastructure) were presented. Based on the findings, it can be stated that developing sports politics in Kurdistan region of Iraq contains systematic parts and levels, in which, based on knowing the sport system and efficiency of policy-making system, sports policy process can be governed to develop sports. In this regard, suggested political framework in the second part of the findings, has reviewed all the development to performance of sports
  21. The effect of service quality and quality of results on behavioral tendencies with the mediating role of pleasure and customer satisfaction of Sanandaj fitness clubs
    The purpose of this study was to investigate the effect of service quality and quality of results on behavioral tendencies with the mediating role of pleasure and customer satisfaction of bodybuilding clubs in Sanandaj. The research method was descriptive-correlation and data collection in the field and applied in terms of using the results. The statistical population of this study was the customers of bodybuilding clubs in Sanandaj city, which was selected by simple random sampling using 320 people using SPSS Sample Power software. To collect data, the service quality questionnaire, quality of results, customer satisfaction, Havat and Oscar (2016) customer satisfaction questionnaire were used. The data were obtained using descriptive statistics, skewness and elongation tests, simple linear regression and structural equation modeling (mediating role) based on the maximum likelihood approach. It should be noted that in this study, SPSS software version 23 at the error level of 0.05 and Amos structural equation model software version 24 were used. The results showed that the quality of services affects customer satisfaction and customer satisfaction of Sanandaj fitness clubs, the quality of results affects customer satisfaction and customer satisfaction of Sanandaj fitness clubs, customer satisfaction affects Sanandaj fitness clubs The effect of service quality on behavioral tendencies with the mediating role of pleasure and customer satisfaction of Sanandaj fitness clubs has a good fit and the effect of result quality on behavioral tendencies with the mediating role of pleasure and customer satisfaction of Sanandaj fitness clubs has a good fit . In general, according to the results of this study, the managers of bodybuilding sports clubs should seek to improve the quality of services and the quality of the results provided in order to create satisfaction and pleasure in the behavioral tendencies of customers.
  22. The role of innovative services in committing wrestlers in Kurdistan province
    Nowadays, the discussion of services, especially innovative services, is one of the most important issues in the management of sports clubs, so the use of innovative services, if successful, helps to retain customers and increase customers, survival and progress, increase the quality of sports club services. The overall purpose of this study was to investigate the role of innovative services in the commitment of wrestlers in Kurdistan province. The research method was descriptive and correlational and data collection was applied in the field and in terms of using the results. The statistical population of this study was wrestlers and wrestling coaches of Kurdistan province, which was selected by random sampling method using 295 Cochran's formula. To collect the data, the scales of the researcher-made questionnaire of 27 questions of innovative services with 7 components and the 9-item questionnaire of commitment of John Powell Basovi Kosba (2018) with three components were used. Descriptive statistics, skewness and elongation tests and structural equation modeling based on maximum likelihood approach were used to analyze the data using SPSS software and Amos structural equation model. The results showed that innovative services have an effect on the commitment of wrestlers in Kurdistan province. The results also showed that innovative services have an impact on wrestlers' emotional, cognitive and behavioral commitment. Therefore, the results of this study indicate that innovative services lead to a commitment of wrestlers to their sports clubs.
  23. The effect of information technology literacy of employees of sports organizations in Kermanshah province on sports marketing through the Internet
    Today, any organization that can obtain accurate, timely and comprehensive information in the shortest possible time will be more successful, because the role of data and information in the management of organizations, play a significant role. The more accurate, coherent, and transparent the organization is to create an information space, the easier it will be to achieve its goals. Information technology and information systems try to provide the right information in the right way, for the right people, at the right time and at the right cost. Therefore, the purpose of this study was to investigate the effect of information technology literacy of Kermanshah employees on sports marketing via the Internet. The research method was descriptive-correlational The statistical population included employees of sports organizations in Kermanshah province and sampling was done by stratified method. Ali Zarei (2013) questionnaire was used to measure technology literacy and Javad Ramezanian (2011) questionnaire was used for internet marketing. Descriptive statistics and linear regression were used to analyze statistical indicators. Structural equations were also used to evaluate the conceptual model using AMOS software. The results showed that IT literacy of employees of sports organizations has an effect on sports marketing through the Internet with a factor of 0.59. The results of linear regression test showed that IT literacy on marketing environment (0.57), product features (0.65), security and trust (0.55), promotional offers (0.57) 56, price (0.56) and ease of purchase (0.41). According to the results of IT literacy has the most impact on product features and the least impact on ease of purchase. According to the results of data analysis, it can be said that information technology literacy of employees of sports organizations in Kermanshah province has a positive and significant effect on sports marketing through the Internet. Today, employee mastery of information and communication technology literacy is a necessity of any organization and is one of the development factors. Having the skills and literacy of information and communication technology of the employees of sports organizations, leads to recognizing the needs of sports customers and satisfying their demands.
  24. Designing a Media Literacy Model for Physical Education Teachers with Emphasis on the Quality of the Physical Education Course (Mixed Approach)
    The purpose of this research is to develop and design a model of physical education teachers' media literacy with emphasis on the quality of the physical education course. This research was performed by mixed method with exploratory-developmental nature. In the qualitative part, the research data were collected through purposeful and theoretical sampling method and based on in-depth interviews. In the quantitative phase, the samples were selected by the available sampling method and tested by modeling the structural equations of the model arising from the qualitative part. In this study, there are two statistical communities: the first is a professor in the fields of sports management, educational and media management (statistical sample of 11 people), the second is a physical education teacher for men and women in Kurdistan province (including 204 people).The results showed that continuous improvement of the quality of physical education course is considered through the use of media literacy as a cycle whose input is "requirements and prerequisites for applying physical education course". The process of this model includes the rules of applying media literacy to the physical education course and the output of this process to improve the quality of the physical education course. Finally, since the final model is like a cycle, a feedback loop is intended to include continuous feedback on media literacy outcomes. In order to improve the quality of physical education, media literacy can be considered as an organizational excellence system in which by strengthening its inputs and directing it to its processes, it has witnessed desirable outcomes.
  25. Marketing of food and low-value beverages through sports in schools of Kurdistan province (Case study: Adolescents)
    The aim of this study was to investigate the effect of marketing low-value food products and low-value beverages through exercise on nutritional involvement of students in schools in Kurdistan province (case study: adolescents). The present study was applied in terms of purpose and descriptive-correlational in terms of method. The statistical population includes first and second secondary school students in Kurdistan province. 382 questionnaires were considered as acceptable samples for statistical analysis. Cronbach's alpha and confirmatory factor analysis were used to evaluate the reliability and validity of the test and structural equations were used to evaluate the model and hypotheses using SPSS and AMOS software. The results of the structural equations show a significant effect of media advertising and school environment advertising and no significant relationship between sports validation approval on students' nutritional involvement in the use of low-value food and beverages through exercise. There is also a significant relationship between school nutrition health and advertising. However, the relationship between school nutrition health and students' nutritional involvement in the use of low-value foods and beverages through exercise was not possible, but the role of advertising is needed for meaningful communication. Eventually, it became clear that school strategies and school curricula regarding nutritional health, as well as the budget allocated to schools, were not sufficient and appropriate to lead students to consume healthy food products, but in contrast to advertising, a stronger role to absorb knowledge. Students consumed low-value food and beverages.
  26. The Codification and Validation of sports scout management scale in the schools of physical education and sport sciences in the Iraqi Kurdistan region
    Scouting is a tool for teaching healthy living through which self-confidence, love of work and production are taught as a habit for people. In this study, the researcher intends to conduct a field study to achieve a scale in the field of sports scouting in the Iraqi Kurdistan region of. Due to the nature of the present study, the research method is descriptive which has used a survey method. The research population included students of the faculties of physical education and sports sciences in the universities of Iraqi Kurdistan (Dohuk, Salahuddin, Soran, Kuyeh, Halabja, Sulaimaniyah and Garmian) for the academic year 2019-2020 and their number (937) students, which is a statistical sample. 700 students (74.4%) from the main community formed the faculties of physical education and sports sciences in universities. The results of exploratory factor analysis showed that 52 questions were obtained to measure sports scout management in Iraqi Kurdish universities. Their arithmetic mean is 167.8, the standard deviation is 19.78, the highest value of each sample is 179, the lowest is 75 and the skewness coefficient is 0.28. According to the results of personality style criteria, effective communication, organization, responsibility and planning were involved in the effective management of sports scouting. For a scouting program to achieve its goals, it must be attractive to its target community, so scouting programs must include a number of activities that rely on the interests of the participants.
  27. Identifying the components of the role of fans in the development of volleyball in Urmia
    The purpose of this study was to Identifying the components of the role of fans in the development of volleyball in Urmia. This research is a qualitative research that was conducted using the grounded theoty method of the foundation and as a systematic perspective. The statistical population of the study was the statistical population of the Urmia volleyball fans and sports specialists (faculty of physical education, head and deputies of the General Directorate of Sports and Youth, chairman and vice-chairman and secretary of the volleyball board, first-class volleyball coaches, volleyball star athletes). The sampling method was purposeful and available and the number of 13 + 2 samples was selected. The data collection tool was a semi-structured interview and the data were collected until the researcher reached theoretical saturation. In the analysis of the findings, the three-step coding technique (open, axial, and selective) was used. The research findings were analyzed in the form of Strauss and Corbin model and the coding was done by the researcher up to the most abstract stage. 26 pivotal categories, 15 selective categories and 157 open concepts were extracted from the interviews. The results showed that according to the results of previous research, different programs have been used for the development of volleyball and at different times different reasons have been expressed for the underdevelopment of some sports, but despite the very long history of volleyball in West Azerbaijan province. And the countless fans of this field, unfortunately, have not had much success in the competitive and championship levels, and the number of volleyball players in the championship and professional levels in the adult category is small, and due to the small number of clubs and the support of several clubs, Volleyball is prevented from continuing to play and play in clubs, and in the absence of a competitive environment between clubs, they often face a lack of team motivation. In order to classify the data obtained from the interview, Nvivo version 10 software was used.
  28. factors affecting the development of sports tourism in Iraq Kurdistan
    Sports tourism has grown significantly in different countries of the world and its expansion in the Iraqi Kurdistan region is undeniable for the growth of the sports industry, so the overall purpose of this study was to investigate the factors affecting the development of sports tourism in Iraqi Kurdistan. The population and the statistical sample in this study were the managers and members of the cultural heritage and sports organizations of the Iraqi Kurdistan region. Data collection method was surveyed through Afchangi questionnaire (2015) in four dimensions (cultural, environmental, managerial, sports event absorption power) and data analysis was performed by regression method using SPSS software. Findings showed that the power of attracting an event and cultural factors had the greatest role in the development of sports tourism in Iraqi Kurdistan and environmental and managerial factors had the least role. The results showed that the components of preparation and construction of various sports complexes, creating more interest and inclination of people to sports, entertainment and recreation opportunities for local residents, expanding national and international understanding and increasing cultural interactions, enriching people's leisure time Improving the knowledge of sports managers in planning, holding competitions and hosting competitions, as well as creating a culture for dealing with sports were most influential in the development of tourism. Given the importance of sports tourism, managers and planners of the tourism and sports sector of Kurdistan Region should have a special view on the development and expansion of the sports tourism industry and provide the necessary infrastructure to attract local and international tourists.
  29. The effect of competitive intelligence on sustainable development and performance of sports clubs in Kurdistan province
    The purpose of this study is to investigate the effect of competitive intelligence on sustainable development and performance of sports clubs in Kurdistan province. The present research is applied in terms of purpose and is descriptive in terms of data collection method, and considering that this research has been done once and in a limited period of time, it is a cross-sectional survey. Regression method was used to analyze the data. The statistical population in this study was the managers and employees of sports complexes in Kurdistan province. At first, we found the number and address of sports complexes through the General Directorate of Sports and Youth of Kurdistan Province, and the samples were selected by random sampling method from the managers and employees of these complexes. Likert scale questionnaire was used to collect data in the present study. The first is the components of competitive intelligence, demographic intelligence, sustainable development and the performance of the sports club. AMOS and SPSS software were used to analyze the statistical data. According to the studies performed in relation to each of the hypotheses and the findings of the research, each of the first to fourth hypotheses have coefficients: 0.51, 0.60, 0.89 and / 45, respectively. Showed 0 and confirmed the positive and significant effect of the dimensions of competitive intelligence and the dimensions of sustainable development on the performance of sports clubs in Kurdistan province. Based on this, we conclude that managers and employees of sports clubs in Kurdistan province, in order to improve the performance of the organization, should pay special attention to the dimensions of competitive intelligence and the dimensions of sustainable development. Awareness of the market and competitors, having specific strategies and the use of new technologies in the club will have a direct impact on improving the performance of the organization. Moreover paying attention to the dimensions of sustainable development such as environmental, economic, social and institutional issues improves the performance of clubs. Considering the effect that the dimensions of competitive intelligence have on the dimensions of sustainable development, it can be said that by being aware of the market and competitors, specific strategies can be adopted in order to have a competitive advantage and improve performance. Attention to environmental issues as well as special attention to social activities can have a significant impact on the performance of the club and create a competitive advantage. Therefore, in general conclusion, as it results from the results of this study, competitive intelligence has an impact on sustainable development and performance of sports clubs in Kurdistan province.
  30. Neuro-Psychological Responses of Consumers to Promotion Strategies and Intention to Purchase of Sport Products and Services
    The purpose of this study was to investigate the Neuro-Psychological Responses of Consumers to Promotion Strategies and Intention to Purchase of Sport Products and Services. In terms of purpose, the study was an applied one which was done Semi-experimentally. The statistical sample of this study was 40 volunteers (20 women and 20 men) from students of physical education in the age range of 25 to 35 years. In order to provide research tools, 20 athletes, 15 well-known charities, 15 sports products and 5 sports services were selected and distributed among 400 people by questionnaire from the statistical population.The sports products that have the most use in terms of statistical population, the athletes that have the most popularity and the charitable organizations that have the most fame and acceptance were selected.Tehn, those images which were following research strategies (Charity, endorsement, promotion and discount) were prepared and their content validity was confirmed by 10 sports marketing experts. In order to eliminate the effect of the arrangement, the Latin square method was used. An Electroencephalography device, a two-category questionnaire, and some self-assessment Manikins were used respectively to record the waves, to measure the purchasing decision and to measure arousal and pleasure. Matlab 2013 b software was used for extracting data. By using the SPSS 22 software, the descriptive and inferential statistical methods including, logistic regression, Mann-Whitney, Friedman were used to analyze data. The results showed that there was a significant difference (P <0.05) between the changes power of alpha wave in the frontal region of the brain in four strategies in products and services. In products, charitable and endorsement strategies and in services, advertising and endorsement strategies had the lowest alpha levels, so they attracted more consumer attention. But there wasn’t a significant difference (P >0.05) between the power of Beta wave in the frontal region of the brain in four strategies in prodocts and services. Also, it was shown that the Neuropsychological responses explain a significant percentage of a consumer purchasing decisions in products and servises. The Regresion model was a good fit in both of products and servises.Therefore, marketers and researchers can provide more effective promotional activities for consumers based on their neuropsychological responses.
  31. نقش نظام آراستگی در سالن های ورزشی آموزش و پرورش بر رفتار مصرفی دانش آموزان
    هدف این پژوهش نقش نظام آراستگی در سالن های ورزشی آموزش و پرورش بر رفتار مصرفی دانش آموزان مقطع متوسطه استان کرمانشاه است. تحقیق حاضر از نظر هدف کاربردی از لحاظ پارادایم کمی، از نظر امکان کنترل متغیرها از نوع تحقیقات پیمایشی، از نظر درجه نظارت و کنترل متغیرها میدانی و از لحاظ جمع آوری و تجزیه و تحلیل داده ها از نوع تحقیقات غیر آزمایشی - توصیفی است. جامعه آماری شامل دانش آموزان مقطع متوسطه است که از مجموعه های ورزشی آموزش و پرورش استفاده می کنند. تعداد 400 نفر به عنوان نمونه برای تجزیه و تحلیل آماری در نظر گرفته شدند. اطلاعات و داده ها با استفاده از ابزار پرسشنامه گردآوری گردید. داده ها با استفاده از نرم افزار SPSS و AMOS مورد تجزیه و تحلیل قرار گرفت. نتایج از وجود ارتباط مثبت و معناداری بین نظام آراستگی و رفتار مصرفی حکایت دارد. همچنین نتایج حاکی از آن است که ارتباط مثبت و معناداری بین کمیت مصرف، حضور مجدد و تبلیغ شفاهی با نظام آراستگی وجود دارد، به گونه ای که با افزایش وضعیت نظام آراستگی رفتار مصرفی نیز افزایش پیدا می کند؛ لذا پیشنهاد می گردد برنامه ریزان و طراحان در زمینه طراحی سالن های ورزشی نکات کلیدی نظام آراستگی را مد نظر داشته باشند.
  32. بررسی نقش عوامل کیفیت بخش درس تربیت بدنی در شکل گیری رفتار مصرفی ورزشی دانش آموزان
    هدف از این پژوهش بررسی نقش عوامل کیفیت بخش درس تربیت بدنی در شکل گیری رفتار مصرف ورزشی دانش آموزان بود. تحقیق از نظر نحوه گردآوری اطلاعات توصیفی- همبستگی و مبتنی بر معادلات ساختاری و از نظر هدف کاربردی بود. جامعه آماری تحقیق شامل دانش آموزان مقطع متوسطه استان البرز در سال تحصیلی 98-97 بودند و نمونه آماری به صورت تصادفی انتخاب شد. ابزار اندازه گیری متغیرهای تحقیق پرسشنامه بود، پس از توزیع تعداد 437 پرسشنامه 37 پرسشنامه مخدوش کنارگذاشته شد. کلیه ی سؤالات براساس مقیاس پنج ارزشی لیکرت طراحی شده بود. که پس از تأیید روایی و اعتبار آن جهت تجزیه و تحلیل داده ها از آمار توصیفی و استنباطی که در سطوح توصیفی از شاخص هایی همچون فراوانی و درصد فراوانی و نمودار دایره ای و در بخش آمار استنباطی، از مدل سازی معادلات ساختاری مبتنی بر واریانس استفاده شده است. براساس نتایج می توان استنباط نمود که عامل سازمانی 28/0 از مؤلفه ی مصرف ورزشی را پیش بینی کرد، همچنین عامل محیطی- فیزیکی و عامل فردی به ترتیب 12/0 و 27/0 از تغییرات مصرف ورزشی را پیش بینی کردند، مقدار معنی داری بالای 96/1 و سطح معنی داری کمتر از 05/0 نیز این یافته را تأیید کرد. مقدار R2 برای سازه درونزای شناخت ورزشی 203/0، سازه روانی 43/0 و برای سازه درونزای مشارکت ورزشی 12/0 محاسبه شده است که با توجه به سه مقدار ملاک، مناسب بودن برازش مدل ساختاری را تأیید می سازد. مقادیر Q2 استون-گایسر بیشتر از صفر است و این نشان می دهد که متغیرهای مستقل آنها دارای ارتباط پیش بین هستند. عامل سازمانی بر مؤلفه های روانی و مشارکت ورزشی تأثیر معنی داری نداشت. سطح معنی داری بالای 05/0 و مقدار معنی داری بالای 96/1 نیز تأیید کننده این یافته بود. عامل فیزیکی بر مؤلفه های روانی و مشارکت ورزشی با توجه به سطح معنی داری و مقدار معنی داری تأثیر منفی داشت. مقادیر معنی داری کمتر از 96/1 حاکی از رد این مسیرها بود، مقادیر به دست آمده برای معنی داری اثر عوامل کیفیت بخش در مؤلفه های مطرح شده از درجه اهمیت بالایی برخوردار هستند و لذا می طلبد با توسعه ی ویژگی های دانشی و مهارتی فردی و ارتقاء کیفیت محیطی- فیزیکی مدارس، خدمات ارائه شده ی تربیت بدنی مدارس را به سمت و سوی ادراک کیفیت و ارزش مطلوب ورزش، سوق داد.
  33. Marketing approach to outsourcing of sporting places and its role in satisfying sporting servises customers in Kurdistan province
    Outsourcing as one of the managerial methods that improve the performance, development and promotion of organization productivity in small format has been considered by managers and officials in recent years. Therefore, this study aimed to investigate the role of outsourcing on the outsourcing of sports facilities and its role in satisfaction of sport consumers in Kurdistan province. The research method in terms of purpose is applied, in terms of time, in terms of quality method and in terms of implementation is descriptive research. Data collection tool is a review of library resources and interviews. The statistical population in the qualitative section includes directors of general office of sports and youth, heads of sport places, and sports facilities and in quantitative section, the customers of sports complex. Finally, in order to analyze the data (data analysis and classification), the method of systematic analysis with the help of maxqda 12 software and spss software was used for quantitative analysis. the results showed that the factors that facilitate the outsourcing include (review and presentation of effective law, notification by transferring media to institutions and qualified people, offering expert price, financial constraints, lack of supervision, imposing additional expense to government, lack of supervision, imposing extra cost to government, lack of structure and instructions of outsourcing, incompetence and resistance of boards and …).
  34. اثر تبلیغات شفاهی الکترونیکی روی نگرش، ارزش ویژه برند و قصد خرید محصولات ورزشی
    بازاریابان برای تاثیرگذاری بر مشتریان فعالانه تلاش می کنند، اما گاهی اوقات از این واقعیت غافل می مانند که مشتریان دائما در حال ارتباط و گفتگو با یکدیگر هستند و بیشترین تأثیرپذیری و تأثیرگذاری در ارتباط دهان به دهان اتفاق می افتد تبلیغات شفاهی الکترونیکی به عنوان یکی از عوامل اثرگذار بر رفتار خرید مشتریان محصولات ورزشی، یکی از مباحث مطرح در محافل کارشناسان و صاحبنظران حوزه تربیت بدنی است، به این امید که با ایجاد تجربه ای مطلوب برای مشتری، وی تشویق شود تا فروشگاه موردنظر خود را به دیگران توصیه نماید و یا برای خرید مجدد، مراجعت کند. بقاء سازمان ها به وسیله توانایی ایجاد ارزش بالاتر در بازارها تضمین می گردد. از آنجا که طبق شواهد، بسیاری از مصرف کنندگان محصولات ورزشی در جامعه آماری و حتی کشورمان، تجربه حضور یا عضویت در محیط آنلاین مصرف کننده را دارند، بررسی تأثیر تبلیغات شفاهی الکترونیکی میان آنها بر نگرش و ارزش ویژه برند مبتنی بر مشتری و قصد خرید و انتخاب محصولات ورزشی توسط آنان ضروری است. جامعه آماری تحقیق، تمامی دانشجویان دانشگاه کردستان که تجربه حضور در محیط ها و سایت های آنلاین را داشته باشند، بود(N=310) ابزار اندازه گیری مولفه های تحقیق پرسشنامه استاندارد تبلیغات شفاهی الکترونیکی آکر (2012)، پرسشنامه قصد خرید چیونگ و همکاران (2012)، پرسشنامه ارزش ویژه برند چو و کیم (2011) و پرسشنامه نگرش نسبت به برند کارلسون و همکاران (2012) هستند. برای تحیلیل داده از روش معادلات ساختاری و نرم افزار spss و amos استفاده شد. یافته ها نشان دادند که تبلیغات شفاهی الکترونیکی به میزان 48درصد برروی قصد خرید محصولات ورزشی و تبلیغات شفاهی الکترونیکی به میزان 52 درصد بر روی نگرش نسبت به برند مشتریان محصولات ورزشی و تبلیغات شفاهی الکترونیکی به میزان 41 درصد روی ارزش ویژه برند مشتریان محصولات ورزشی نگرش نسبت به تبلیغات به میزان 35 درصد بر روی قصد خرید محصولات ورزشی ارزش ویژه برند مشتریان به میزان 38 درد بر روی قصد خرید محصولات ورزشی اثر تبلیغات شفاهی الکترونیکی به میزان 87 درصد به صورت غیر مستقیم بر روی قصد خرید محصولات ورزشی با نقش میانجی نگرش اثر تبلیغات شفاهی الکترونیکی به میزان 78 درصد به صورت غیر مستقیم بر روی قصد خرید محصولات ورزشی با نقش میانجی ارزش ویژه برند اثر دارد بنابراین می توان گفت که مشتریان امروزی تنها در جستجوی کالا و خدمات مورد نظرشان نیستند بلکه می خواهند از زمانی که برای این جستجو صرف می کنند، لذت نیز ببرند . و با ارائه ارزش بالاتر به مشتریان ، قصد خرید مجدد مشتریان و تبلیغات کلامی آنان افزایش می یابد . ارزش ویژه برند ، اثر مستقیم و معناداری بر وفاداری و اعتماد و قصد خرید مشتریان دارد . بنابراین کیفیت مناسب خدمات ، عاملی حیاتی برای سود آوری برندها و حفظ مزیت های رقابتی آن هاست و رضایت مشتری بر روابط بلند مدت بین بانک و مشتریان ، اثر می گذارد . و وقتی مشتریان ، درک بالایی از ارزش های دریافتی دارند و سطح رضایتشان از خدمات بالاست ، احتمال بیشتری وجود دارد که در آینده مجدداً از خدمات ، استفاده کنند
  35. The effect of Team Identification on Football Spectators Happiness and Involvement
    The purpose of this study was to investigate the effect of team identification and game strategies on the happiness and involvement of the Persepolis football team spectators. The present study was a quasi-experimental and field data gathering. The population of the study was University of Kurdistan students and among the physical education, psychology, accounting and general education students were the Ping Pong and Futsal majors. A total of 120 questionnaires were distributed among the supporters of Persepolis football team using purposive random sampling. Measurement tools included: Chang et al. (2017) questionnaire for measuring team identification variable, Guevara and Havel (2015) for measuring happiness variable and Kim (2003) for measuring involvement variable. To measure game strategy variables, 4 Games of Persepolis Tehran football teams were selected for strategies (good game, good result), (bad game, good result), (good game, bad result), (bad game, bad result) and moments Sensitive and relevant to each strategy was made in a 5-minute film and each strategy was shown to a group of 30 spetator. After confirming the face and content validity, the questionnaires were used by the professors as well as its internal reliability using Cronbach's alpha (87% team identity, 85% happiness and 84% conflict). Multivariate analysis of variance (MANOVA) was used for statistical methods. The results of team identification influenced the viewers' happiness with a coefficient of 70% and the audience involvement with 27%. The simultaneous juxtaposition of team identification and game strategies had an effect on Spectators happiness of 53% and on spectators’ involvement of 25%. As a result, it can be said that team identification and game strategies influence the happiness and involvement of spectators. The findings suggest that spectators with a high team identification reported higher levels of happiness and involvement when their support team won the game or presented a good game. When the under-supported team played poorly and achieved good results, or vice versa, spectators with high and low team identification reported the same mean of happiness and involvement. In a bad match with a bad result, the spectators with a high team identification reported less happiness and more involvement than the spectators with a low team identification. Research has shown that levels of team identification and team play strategies can influence the level of happiness and involvement of spectators. If the spectators are not happy with their presence at the team games or if the spectators' presence at the games does not lead to a spectator conflict with the team, the relationship between the teams and the spectators will not last long.
  36. نقش بازاریابی رابطه مند و حسی در قصد خرید محصولات ورزشی داخلی: نقش میانجی رضایت، وفاداری و تبلیغات شفاهی
    پژوهش حاضر به بررسی نقش بازاریابی رابطه مند و حسی از طریق متغیرهای میانجی رضایت، وفاداری و تبلیغات شفاهی در قصد خرید محصولات ورزشی می پردازد. روش پژوهش توصیفی و از نوع همبستگی و گردآوری داده ها به صورت میدانی و از لحاظ استفاده از نتایج کاربردی است. جامعه آماری دانشجویان تربیت بدنی مقاطع مختلف تحصیلی دانشگاه کردستان و اندازه نمونه تعداد 123 نفر می باشد. داده ها از طریق تکمیل پرسشنامه گردآوری شد. برای تجزیه و تحلیل داده ها از روش های آمار توصیفی و استنباطی استفاده گردید. یافته ها نشان دادند، بازاریابی رابطه مند بر وفاداری مشتریان، رضایت مشتریان، تبلیغات شفاهی و قصد خرید محصولات ورزشی داخلی اثر مثبت و معنی داری در سطح یک درصد دارد. بازاریابی حسی بر وفاداری مشتریان، رضایت مشتریان، تبلیغات شفاهی و قصد خرید محصولات ورزشی داخلی اثر مثبت و معنی داری در سطح یک درصد دارد. متغیرهای میانجی(رضایت مشتریان، وفاداری مشتریان، تبلیغات شفاهی) بر قصد خرید محصولات ورزشی داخلی اثر مثبت و معنی داری در سطح یک درصد دارد. در نهایت می توان بیان نمود، بازاریابی رابطه مند و حسی از طریق (تبلیغات، رضایت، وفاداری) برقصد خرید محصولات ورزشی تاثیرگذار بوده و در نتیجه باعث توانمند ساختن شرکت در پاسخ به تهدیدات رقابتی، ایجاد فروش و درآمد بیشتر و کاهش کشش تقاضای مشتریان به برند مورد نظر در مقابل تلاش های بازاریابی رقبا می شود.
  37. تاثیر ویژگی های افراد مشهور بر خرید آنلاین محصولات ورزشی بر اساس مدل AISAS
    هدف این پژوهش بررسی میزان تأثیر ویژگی های افراد مشهور بر خرید آنلاین محصولات ورزشی می باشد. پژوهش از نظر نحوه گردآوری اطلاعات، توصیفی_ همبستگی است. جامعه آماری دانشجویان دانشگاه کردستان بودند و بر اساس جدول کرجسی و مورگان تعداد 373 نفر به صورت تصادفی به عنوان نمونه انتخاب شدند. ابزار اندازه گیری متغیرهای تحقیق پرسشنامه استاندارد ابعاد صحه گذار ورزشکار (برنستین، 2005)، پرسشنامه تناسب ورزشکار و محصول (تیل و باسلر، 2000)، و پرسشنامه خرید آنلاین (وی و لو، 2013)، استفاده شد. برای بررسی پایایی و روایی آزمون از آلفای کرونباخ و تحلیل عاملی تأییدی و برای ارزیابی مدل و فرضیه ها از معادلات ساختاری با استفاده از نرم افزار SPSS و AMOS استفاده شد. نتایج نشان داد براساس رتبه میانگین به دست آمده به ترتیب مهم ترین مؤلفه ابعاد صحه گذار ورزشی عبارت انداز: مهارت، جذابیت، شخصیت، اعتماد و تناسب، همچنین مؤلفه های ابعاد خرید آنلاین به ترتیب علاقه، توجه، عمل، جستجو و اشتراک می باشد. یافته های پژوهش حاضر حاکی از این است که تنها مؤلفه تناسب توان پیش بینی متغیر جلب توجه مشتریان به خریدآنلاین را دارد، تناسب و شخصیت توان پیش بینی متغیر علاقه، مؤلفه تناسب و شخصیت توان پیش بینی متغیر جستجو، مؤلفه تناسب توان پیش بینی متغیر عمل به خرید، و مؤلفه تناسب و شخصیت توان پیش بینی متغیر به اشتراک گذاشتن مشتریان به خریدآنلاین را دارد. در این پژوهش از میان ویژگی های صحه گذار ورزشکار، تناسب بیشترین توان پیش بینی را نشان داد. هرچه تجانس ورزشکار مشهور و کالای تبلیغ شده بیشتر باشد، تأثیر تبلیغ بیشتر خواهد بود.
  38. Effectiveness of relationship marketing on the customer’s gratitude of private sport clubs in Sanandaj
    Customer Gratitude can be considered as a promising tool for improving the organizations performance. For this purpose, the present study aims at the effectiveness of relationship marketing investment on the gratitude of the customers of private sports clubs based on the mediating role of relationship quality.The research method is descriptive-correlational, considering that the number of statistical population is not determined. Based on Krejcie and Morgan's table, 384 people were selected acluster random. Finally, 369 healthy questionnaires were used to test the research model. To collect the data, the relationship marketing questionnaire Dewani et all. (2016) and the relationship quality questionnaire of Izadi. (2012) and the bock et all (2016) were used they were used after verification of their form and content validity by the professors and verification of their internal relianility by means of Cronbacs alpha test (relationship matketing: %90; relationship quality: %94; customer gratitude: %85). In statistical method, confirmatory factor analysis, and structural eguitation test was used.The results showed that the relationship marketing dimensions indirectly affected the customer's gratitude through the mediator of the relationship quality, and the relationship quality dimensions were effective on gratitude the increase (0.97) Conclusion: Gratitude is an important factor in improving the relationship quality and, on the other hand, will bring positive results to the organization, which will create loyalty and consolidation of customer relationships with the sports club.
  39. اثر تمایلات دبیران تربیت بدنی بر قصد خرید کالاهای ورزشی تقلبی از طریق نقش متغیر میانجی ارزیابی محصولات
    هدف از پژوهش حاضر، بررسیاثر تمایلات دبیران تربیت بدنی بر قصد خرید کالاهای ورزشی تقلبی از طریق نقش متغیر میانجی ارزیابی محصولات بود. پژوهش حاضر از نظر هدف، کاربردی و از نظر روش و جمع آوری داده های پژوهش، توصیفی-پیمایشی بود. جامعه آماری پژوهش را 251 نفر از دبیران تربیت بدنی ناحیه 1 و 2 شهرستان سنندج در سال 1396 تشکیل دادند که از این بین تعداد 194 دبیر با توجه به جدول مورگان و براساس روش نمونه گیری تصادفی ساده انتخاب شدند. جهت گردآوری داده های پژوهش از ابزار پرسشنامه استاندارد چیو و لنگ (2016) که یک مقیاس 23 آیتمی و از تلفیق چندین پرسشنامه استاندارد دیگر است و به بررسیابعادقصد خرید، نگرش، معیار ذهنی ،آگاهی برند و کنترل رفتاری درک شده می پردازد، استفاده شده است. همچنین از سوالات ارزیابی محصولات دی-ماتئوس و همکاران (2007) نیز برای بعد ارزیابی محصولات استفاده شد. برای تجزیه و تحلیل داده ها از نرم افزار SPSSو AMOSو آزمون های رگرسیون خطی و تفاوت میانگین ها (t دو گروه مستقل) بهره گرفته شد. نتایج پژوهش حاکی از آن است که چهار بُعد تمایلات دبیران یعنی نگرش، معیار ذهنی، کنترل رفتاری و آگاهی برند 36 درصد از واریانس ارزیابی محصول را پیش بینی می کنند.همچنینسه بُعد از ابعاد تمایلات خرید یعنینگرش، کنترل رفتاری و آگاهی برند،35 درصد از واریانس قصد خرید را پیش بینی می کنند. براساس نتایج آزمون رگرسیون خطی نیز ارزیابی محصولات با تأثیرپذیری از تمایلات خرید، 88/0 در شکل دهی قصد خرید اثرگذارند. بین تمایلات خرید و قصد خرید با نقش متغیر میانجی ارزیابی محصول با شدت 462/0، رابطه مستقیم وجود دارد. درنهایت نیز بین جنسیت دبیران تربیت بدنی و نگرش و کنترل رفتاری دبیران زن و مرد تفاوت معناداری وجود دارد که هر دو بُعد در بین دبیران مرد بیشتر از دبیران زن بوده، اما در ابعاد معیار ذهنی و آگاهی برند تفاوتی حاصل نشد.طبق تحلیل های انجام شده نه تنها تمایلاتدبیران برای خرید یک کالای ورزشی تقلبی، بلکه ارزیابی محصولاتنیز در پیش-بینی قصد خرید آن کالاها مؤثر است.
  40. تاثیر نگرش قبل از خرید پوشاک ورزشی بر قصد خرید (مطالعه موردی: دانش آموزان هنرستان های تربیت بدنی استان کردستان)
    هدف از این مطالعه تاثیر نگرش قبل از خرید پوشاک ورزشی بر قصد خرید دانش آموزان هنرستان های تربیت بدنی استان کردستان است. نوع تحقیق حاضر توصیفی و از نوع همبستگی می باشد. جامعه آماری آن شامل دانش آموزان هنرستان هایی تربیت بدنی استان کردستان است، که با توجه به متمرکز بودن هنرستان تربیت بدنی در مرکز استان، شامل دو مدرسه پسرانه و دخترانه در شهر سنندج می باشد که با توجه به اینکه مطالعه موردی می باشد و تنها دو مدرسه در سطح استان وجود داشت کل دانش آموزان به عنوان نمونه انتخاب شد. برای ابزار تحقیق از پرسشنامه 23 سوالی آناکومار و جوزف (2012) استفاده شده است. روایی صوری با (استفاده از نظر متخصصین) و پایایی با آلفای کرونباخ به دست آمده است. برای تحلیل داده ها از روش آماری توصیفی و استنباطی، مدل معادلات ساختاری، آزمون رگرسیون خطی چندگانه و آزمون تی مستقل استفاده شد. یافته های تحقیق نشان دادند که نگرش قبل از خرید پوشاک ورزشی بر قصد خرید دانش آموزان هنرستان های تربیت بدنی استان کردستان اثر دارد. و ابعاد نگرش قبل از خرید (هنجارهای ذهنی، فردی، اجتماعی) نیز توان پیش بینی قصد خرید را دارند. همچنین نتایج نشان داد بین جنسیت و ابعاد نگرش قبل از خرید (هنجارهای ذهنی، فردی و اجتماعی) تفاوت معناداری وجود ندارد. مطابق با نتایج می توان گفت که نگرش و باورهای مصرف کنندگان نقش مهمی را در تصمیم گیری آنان برای خرید پوشاک ورزشی دارد. بنابراین بازاریابان و مدیران ورزشی چنانچه بخواهند سهم بیشتری از بازار را به دست آورند و به تبع آن از سود بیشتر برخوردار شوند می بایست به نگرش مصرف کنندگان کالاهای و خدمات خود دقت کافی داشته باشند.
  41. اثر رسانه های گروهی بر تمایلات رفتاری هواداران تیم فوتبال فولاد خوزستان براساس نقش میانجی هم هویتی تیمی
    هدف مطالعه حاضر بررسی اثر رسانه های گروهی بر تمایلات رفتاری هواداران تیم فوتبال فولاد خوزستان بر اساس نقش میانجی هم هویتی تیمی بود. روش تحقیق توصیفی-همبستگی، از نظر هدف کاربردی که به شکل میدانی توسط محقق انجام گرفت. جامعه آماری تحقیق را کلیه هواداران لیگ برتر فوتبال (هواداران تیم فوتبال فولاد خوزستان) بود. با توجه به نامشخص بودن تعداد جامعه اماری حجم نمونه بر اساس فرمول کوکران 384 نفر برآورد گردید که محقق با توجه به ریزش پرسشنامه ها 390 پرسشنامه پخش که در مجموع 374 پرسشنامه قابل قبول برگشت داده شد. ابزار اندازه گیری پرسشنامه استاندارد ایزدی و همکاران (1395) و پارک جیم (2014) بود. روایی صوری و محتوایی پرسشنامه توسط چند تن از اساتید مدیریت ورزشی بررسی و سپس مورد استفاده قرار گرفت همچنین برقراری روایی همگرایی و واگرایی حاکی از روایی سازه ای تحقیق بود. یافته ها حاکی از این بود که رسانه های گروهی 57/0 از تغییرات هم هویتی و 42/0 از تغییرات تمایلات رفتاری را پیش بینی می کند همچنین هم هویتی به صورت مستقیم 47/0 از تغییرات تمایلات رفتاری را به صورت مثبت و معنی داری پیش بینی کرد. بطور کلی رسانه های گروهی تأثیر قابل توجهی بر هواداران یک تیم ورزشی می توانند داشته باشند. رسانه های قوی ازجمله رسانه ای آنلاین و موبایلی می توانند سبب هم ذات پنداری و درگیر شدن هوادار با تیم مورد علاقه را مهیا کنند و به این صورت بر تمایلات و تصمیمات رفتاری هواداران مثمر ثمر باشند با توجه به اینکه تمایلات رفتاری متأثر از رسانه های گروهی می باشد باید رسانه های موبایلی و آنلاین مورد توجه بالای مدیریت باشگاه های ورزشی فوتبال باشد تا هم ذات پنداری و وفاداری هواداران به تیم مورد علاقه را در پی آورد.
  42. شناسایی تأثیر ابزارهای روابط عمومی بر ابعاد بازاریابی رابطه مند
    هدف از پژوهش حاضر، شناسایی تأثیر ابزارهای روابط عمومی بر ابعاد بازاریابی رابطه مند در ادارات ورزش و جوانان استان کرمانشاه بود. پژوهش از نظر نحوه گردآوری اطلاعات، توصیفی ـ همبستگی و از نظر اجرا میدانی بود که توسط محقق انجام شد. جامعه آماری تحقیق شامل تمامی مدیران و کارکنان ادارات ورزش و جوانان استان کرمانشاه به تعداد 228 نفر در سال 1395 بودند که از روش نمونه گیری تمام شماراستفاده شد. ابزار اندازه گیری متغیرهای تحقیق پرسشنامه محقق ساخته روابط عمومی و پرسشنامه محقق ساخته بازاریابی رابطه مند با استفاده از تحقیق آبزا (2012) بود که پس از تأیید روایی صوری و محتوایی آن توسط اساتید و همچنین پایایی درونی آن با استفاده از آزمون آلفای کرونباخ پایایی آنها به ترتیب 90/0 و 95/0 تعیین شد. در روش های آماری از تحلیل عاملی تأییدی و آزمون معادلات ساختاری با استفاده از نرم افزارهای Spss 18و AMOS 21استفاده شد. نتایج نشان داد ابزارهای روابط عمومی؛ رسانه های چاپی با بار عاملی، 41/0، رسانه های الکترونیک با بار عاملی 55/0 و رسانه های نوین با بار عاملی 43/0 بر روی بازاریابی رابطه مند تأثیرگذار هستند. مطابق با نتایج ابعاد روابط عمومی بیشترین تأثیر را بر روی ارزیابی سریع تر وضعیت ارتباط سازمان و مشتری دارند. همچنین بعد الکترونیک بیشترین اثر را بر روی بازاریابی رابطه مند دارد. با توجه به نتایج تحقیق می توان گفت که ادارات ورزش و جوانان استان کرمانشاه جهت ایجاد، حفظ و تقویت رابطه قوی با مشتریان خود باید از ابزار های روابط عمومی بخصوص رسانه های الکترونیک بیشتر استفاد کنند.
  43. شناسایی تأثیر عوامل مدیریتی بر میزان مشارکت افراد در ورزش کبدی
    هدف از این پژوهش بررسی میزان تأثیر هر یک عوامل مدیریتی (سازمانهای همکار، قوانین و مقررات، تجهیزات و زیرساختها، تکنولوژی، منابع مالی، منابع انسانی و رسانه های سازمانی) بر میزان مشارکت افراد در ورزش کبدی بود. پژوهش از نظر نحوه گردآوری اطلاعات، توصیفی- همبستگی و از نظر گردآوری اطلاعات میدانی بود. جامعه آماری کلیه دست اندرکاران حوزه ورزش تیمی کبدی بودند که تعداد 231 نفر به صورت تصادفی به عنوان نمونه انتخاب شدند. پس از برگشت داده ها تعداد 229 (99/0 درصد) پرسشنامه برای انجام تجزیه و تحلیل آماری مناسب بود. ابزار اندازه گیری متغیرهای تحقیق از پرسشنامه احسانی و همکاران (1393) برای اندازه گیری عوامل مدیریتی و از پرسشنامه صفاری (1391) برای اندازه گیری مشارکت در ورزش کبدی بود که پس از تأیید روایی صوری و محتوایی آن توسط اساتید و همچنین پایایی درونی آن با استفاده از آزمون آلفای کرونباخ (عوامل مدیریتی: 95% و میزان مشارکت در ورزش: 88%) مورد استفاده قرار گرفت. در روشهای آماری از تحلیل عاملی تأییدی برای روایی سازه و آزمون معادلات ساختاری برای آزمون فرضیه ها استفاده شد. نتایج نشان داد، سازمانهای همکار بر میزان مشارکت افراد در ورزش کبدی 22%، قوانین و مقررات بر میزان مشارکت افراد در ورزش 38%، تجهیزات و زیرساخت ها بر میزان مشارکت افراد در ورزش 18%، تکنولوژی بر میزان مشارکت افراد در ورزش 14%، منابع مالی بر میزان مشارکت افراد در ورزش 35%، منابع انسانی بر میزان مشارکت افراد در ورزش 43% و رسانه های سازمانی بر میزان مشارکت افراد در ورزش 52% اثرگذار می باشند. در نتیجه می توان گفت که عوامل مدیریتی به ترتیب رسانه های سازمانی، منابع انسانی، قوانین و مقررات، منابع مالی، سازمان های همکار، تجهیزات و زیرساخت ها و تکنولوژی بر میزان مشارکت افراد در ورزش کبدی بیشترین تأثیر را دارند.
  44. بررسی نقش ﺗﺒﻠﻴﻐﺎت در انگیزش شرکت ﻧﻮﺟﻮاﻧـﺎن ﭘﺴﺮ ﺑﻪ ورزش جودو در ﺷﻬﺮﺳﺘﺎن سقز
    هدف از پژوهش حاضر، بررسی تأثیر نقش ﺗﺒﻠﻴﻐﺎت در انگیزش شرکت ﻧﻮﺟﻮاﻧـﺎن ﭘﺴﺮ ﺑﻪ ورزش جودو بود. روش تحقیق روش از ﻟﺤﺎظ ﻣﺎﻫﻴﺖ از ﻧـﻮع ﺗﺤﻘﻴـﻖ ﻛـﺎرﺑﺮدی و از ﻧﻘﻄﻪ ﻧﻈﺮ ﭼﮕﻮﻧﮕﻲ ﮔﺮدآوری دادهﻫﺎ و اﻧﺠﺎم ﺗﺤﻘﻴﻖ، از ﻧﻮع ﺗﺤﻘﻴﻘﺎت ﺗﻮﺻﻴﻔﻲ- ﻫﻤﺒﺴﺘﮕﻲ و از ﻟﺤﺎظ زﻣـﺎﻧﻲ ﺟـﺰء ﺗﺤﻘﻴﻘﺎت ﻣﻘﻄﻌﻲ ﻣﺤﺴﻮب ﻣﻲﺷود ﻛﻪ ﺑﻪ ﺻﻮرت ﻣﻴﺪاﻧﻲ اﺟﺮا گردید. جامعه آماری پژوهش250 نفر از نوجوانان مجموعه ها و سالنهای ورزشی شهر سقز بود. اطلاعات لازم از طریق پرسشنامه تبلیغات بر مبنای مدل آیدا از دولت یاری و همکاران (1394) و پرسشنامه مشارکت ورزشی نایلور (2011) و گردآوری گردید. جهت تجزیه و تحلیل داده ها از آمار توصیفی و استنباطی استفاده گردید. ﺟﻬـﺖ آزﻣﻮن ﻓﺮﺿﻴﻪﻫﺎی ﺗﺤﻘﻴﻖ از آزﻣﻮن کولموگروف اسمیرنف و اسپیرمن اﺳﺘﻔﺎده شد. نتایج نشان داد که تبلیغات در شرکت ﻧﻮﺟﻮاﻧـﺎن ﭘﺴﺮ ﺑﻪ ورزش جودو مؤثر است (87/0). همچنین مطابق با نتایج میزان همبستگی ابعاد تبلیغات یعنی جلب توجه، علاقمندسازی، تحریک تمایل و اقدام عملی بر اساس مدل آیدا با انگیزش مشارکت 86/0، 83، 80/0و 85/0 به ترتیب بود. در واقع می توان بیان نمود که بین نقش ﺗﺒﻠﻴﻐﺎت و شرکت ﻧﻮﺟﻮاﻧـﺎن ﭘﺴﺮ ﺑﻪ ورزش جودو در ﺷﻬﺮﺳﺘﺎن سقز رابطه وجود دارد. بکارگیری فرایندهای اثربخش تبلیغی می تواند در ایجاد انگیزه و تشویق افراد به ورزش تأثیرگذار باشد.
  45. تأثیر بازاریابی تجربی بررضایت و وفاداری مشتریان با میانجی گری ارزش تجربی در مجموعه های ورزشی استان کهگیلویه و بویراحمد
    هدف این پژوهش بررسی میزان تأثیر ابعاد تجربه مشتری بر رضایت و وفاداری مشتریان با میانجی گری ارزش تجربه شده در مجموعه های ورزشی است. تحقیق حاضر از نظر هدف کاربردی و از نظر روش توصیفی همبستگی است. جامعه آماری شامل مشتریان مجموعه های ورزشی استان کهگیلویه و - بویراحمد بودند. تعداد، 593 پرسشنامه از پاسخگویان به صورت تصادفی جمع آوری و به عنوان نمونه برای تجزیه و تحلیل آماری در نظر گرفته شدند. برای بررسی پایایی و روایی آزمون از آلفای کرونباخ و تحلیل عاملی تأییدی و برای ارزیابی مدل و فرضیه ها از معادلات ساختاری با استفاده از نرم افزار SPSS و amos استفاده شد. نتایج حاصل از معادلات ساختاری نشان از تأثیر معنادار همه ابعاد بازاریابی تجربی بر ارزش تجربه شده دارد. همچنین رابطه معناداری بین بازاریابی تجربی و رضایت از طریق ارزش تجربه شده وجود دارد، اما ارتباط بازاریابی تجربی بر وفاداری با میانجی گری ارزش تجربه به تنهایی امکان پذیر نیست. بلکه برای ارتباط معنادار در کنار ارزش تجربی نیاز به رضایت مشتریان میباشد.
  46. تأثیرکیفیت ارتباط و تعهد حسابگرانه روی رفتارهای حمایتی تماشاگران لیگ برتر فوتبال ایران
    هدف از انجام پژوهش حاضر تأثیر کیفیت ارتباط و تعهد حسابگرانه روی رفتارهای حمایتی تماشاگران لیگ برتر فوتبالایران است. روشتحقیقازنوعتوصیفی - همبستگیمی باشدکهبهشکلمیدانیصورتگرفتهاست. جامعه آماری این پژوهش شامل کلیه تماشاچیان لیگ برتر فوتبال کشور بود. با توجه به نامشخص بودن حجم جامعه آماری، نمونه آماری به صورت تصادفی و هدفمند از بین تماشاچیان حاضر در ورزشگاه آزادی تهران و ورزشگاه فوتبال غدیر در استان خوزستان واقع در شهر اهواز به تعداد 384 نفر انتخاب شدند. ابزار اندازه-گیری متغیرهای تحقیق پرسشنامه وانگ (2012) بود که پس از تأیید روایی صوری و محتوایی آن توسط اساتید و هم چنین پایایی درونی آن با استفاده از آزمون آلفای کرونباخ (کیفیت ارتباط: 92%، تعهد حسابگرانه: 91%، رفتارهای حمایتی تماشاگران: 86%)، مورد استفاده قرار گرفت. از آمار توصیفی و استنباطی شامل آلفای کرونباخ، کولموگروف-اسمیرنوف، همبستگی اسپیرمن و رگرسیون برای تجزیه وتحلیل داده ها استفاده شد. با توجه به نتایج به دست آمده می تون گفت رابطه بین کیفیت ارتباط با ابعاد رفتارهای حمایتی تماشاگران (حضور در بازی: 57/0، ارجاع مشتری: 69/0، قصد کمک مالی: 45/0) مثبت و معناداری است وبین تعهد حسابگرانه با ابعاد رفتارهای حمایتی تماشاگران (حضور در بازی: 47/0-، ارجاع مشتری: 48/0-، قصد کمک مالی: 37/0-)رابطه منفی و معناداری وجود دارد. همچنین نتایج نشان داد که متغیرهای کیفیت ارتباط (54/0Beta=)و تعهد حسابگرانه(28/0-Beta= )توان پیش بینی رفتارهای حمایتی تماشاگران رادارند.در کل نتایج پژوهش نشان داد که برقراری روابط با کیفیت بالا با تماشاگران نتایج مثبتی مانند افزایش حضور در بازی، تبلیغات شفاهی مثبت و افزایش قصد کمک مالی را در پی دارد و درک وفهم نوع تعهد(حسابگرانه، عاطفی)تماشاگران برای موفقیت هرنوع سازمان ورزشی از عناصر اصلی می باشد بنابراین باشگاه های ورزشی نیازمند تلاش های گسترده برای حفظ ونگهداری تماشاگران خود با ایجاد شرایطی که رضایت، اعتماد و تعهد عاطفی آن ها را افزایش دهد می باشند.
  47. نقش مدیریت کیفیت جامع در تسهیل ارتباط بین سیستم حافظه انتقالی و انتقال دانش در ادارات ورزش و جوانان استان کردستان
    پژوهش حاضر با هدف بررسی نقش میانجی مدیریت کیفیت جامع در ارتباط سیستم حافظه انتقالی و انتقال دانش بود. این تحقیق از جمله تحقیقات توصیفی- همبستگی است. جامعه آماری تحقیق شامل کارکنان اداره ورزش و جوانان شهرستان های استان کردستان بود که به صورت تمام شمار انتخاب شدند و شامل 120 نفر بودند. اطلاعات 120 نفر با توزیع پرسشنامه برگرفته از پرسشنامه استاندارد کابزا و همکاران جمع آوری گردید. روایی محتوایی سؤالات توسط اساتید مدیریت بازاریابی ورزشی دانشگاه کردستان و پایایی پرسشنامه با محاسبه ضریب آلفای کرونباخ ( مدیریت کیفیت جامع: 95درصد، سیستم حافظه انتقالی: 80درصد، انتقال دانش: 79درصد) مورد استفاده قرار گرفت. جهت تحلیل داده ها از نرم افزار SPSSو SMART PLSبهره گرفته شد. در روش های آماری از آلفای کرونباخ، تحلیل عاملی تأییدی و آزمون معادلات ساختاری استفاده شد. نتایج نشان داد که شاخص ها دارای برازش مطلوب و نشان دهنده تأیید مدل می باشند. یافته های این پژوهش نشان داد سیستم حافظه انتقالی به طور مستقیم بر روی انتقال دانش به اندازه 42/0 اثر معنادار دارد. همچنین سیستم حافظه انتقالی به اندازه 64/0 اثر معناداری بر مدیریت کیفیت جامع دارد اما تاثیر سیستم حافظه انتقالی بر انتقاال دانش از طریق مدیریت کیفیت جامع بعنوان متغیر میانجی از لحاظ آماری معنادار نیست.
  48. نقش سیستم حافظه انتقالی بین متغیرهای سازمانی با بازاریابی داخلی
    پژوهش حاضر با هدف تعیین نقش میانجی سیستم حافظه انتقالی در ارتباط بین هویت تیم، هویت حرفه ای و کیفیت ارتباط با بازاریابی داخلی با توجه به نظریه سیستم حافظه انتقالی وگنر بود. پژوهش حاضر ازجمله تحقیقات توصیفی- همبستگی است. نمونه آماری شامل 200 نفراز کارمندان اداره ورزش و جوانان شهرستان های استان آذربایجان غربی بود که از روش نمونه گیری سرشماری استفاده شد. اطلاعات 190 نفر با توزیع و جمع آوری پرسشنامه برگرفته از سه پرسشنامه استاندارد لیائو، لوئیس و دیویس جمع آوری گردید. روایی محتواییسؤالات توسط اساتید مدیریت بازاریابی ورزشی دانشگاه کردستان و پایایی پرسشنامه با محاسبه ضریب آلفای کرونباخ که بین 83/0 تا 88/0 بود، مورد تأیید واقع شد. جهت تحلیل داده ها از دو نرم افزارSPSSو AMOSS بهره گرفته شد. یافته ها بیانگر آن بود که کارمندان صرف وجود متغیرهای سازمانی در سطح اطمینان 95 درصد با بازاریابی داخلی رابطه معنادار داشتند و از بین متغیرها هویت تیم معنادار نبود. کارمندانی که بر اساس نقش واسطه سیستم حافظه انتقالی سعی در پیشبرد کارهایشان با توجه به متغیرهای سازمانی داشتند در تحلیل مدل ساختاری، مقادیر شاخص های برازش مطلوب و RMSEA آن با مقدار 031/0 و pکوچک تر از 001/0در سطح اطمینان 99درصد احساس تعهد و رضایت بالاتری داشتند. با استفاده از مدل معادله ساختاری در جهت تعیین نقش میانجی سیستم حافظه انتقالی بین متغیرهای سازمانی بر متغیر وابسته بازاریابی داخلی بر اساس نظریه سیستم حافظه انتقالی وگنر مشخص شد که به ازای هر یک درجه تغییر در متغیرهای مستقل و میانجی 50% اثر بازاریابی داخلی بیشتر می شود. تمرکز کارمندان بر تخصص، اعتبار و هماهنگی باعث اثرگذاری 71/0 بر بازاریابی داخلی شد. به ازلحاظ آماری به هنگام حضور سیستم حافظه انتقالی اثرگذاری متغیرهای سازمانی برای هر سه متغیر معنادار شد. وجود این فاکتورها در موفقیت بازاریابی داخلی در یک سازمان کاری، مطلوب به نظر می رسد.
  49. اثر نام تجاری،طراحی و قیمت بر قصد خرید مصرف کنندگان کفش های ورزشی برند های معتبر خارجی
    هدف از این پژوهش بررسی میزان اثر نامتجاری، طراحی و قیمت بر قصد خرید مصرف کنندگان کفش های ورزشی برند های معتبر خارجی بود. تحقیق از نظر نحوه گردآوری اطلاعات، توصیفی- همبستگی و مبتنی بر مدل معادلات ساختاری بود. جامعه آماری تحقیق نیز مشتریان برندهای ورزشی خارجی (نایک،آدیداس،آسیکس و ریبوک) در سطح فروشگاه های ورزشی شهر تهران بود و نمونه آماری به صورت تصادفی انتخاب شد. پس از آن تعداد 384 پرسشنامه توزیع گردید که تعداد 374 مورد برای انجام تجزیه و تحلیل آماری مناسب بود. ابزار اندازه گیری متغیرهای تحقیق پرسشنامه اوه (2014) بود که پس از تأیید روایی صوری و محتوایی آن توسط اساتید و همچنین پایایی درونی آن با استفاده از آزمون آلفای کرونباخ (نام تجاری: 89%، طراحی: 87%، قیمت: 89%، کیفیت ادراک شده: 78% و قصد خرید: 83%)، مورد استفاده قرار گرفت. در روش های آماری از آلفای کرونباخ، تحلیل عاملی تأییدی و آزمون معادلات ساختاری استفاده شد. نتایج نشان داد که شاخص ها دارای برازش مطلوب و نشان دهنده ی تأیید مدل می باشند. با توجه به نتایج می توان گفت که نام تجاری بر قصد خرید 16%، طراحی بر قصد خرید 26%، قیمت بر قصد خرید 45% اثرگذار است و کیفیت ادراک شده به میزان59% بر رابطه بین نام تجاری، قیمت و قصد خرید اثر داشت. در نتیجه می توان گفت که به ترتیب،قیمت،طراحی و نام تجاری بیشترین تأثیر را بر قصد خرید مصرف کنندگان دارد. بنابراین با توجه به اینکه قیمت بیشترین تأثیر را درخرید مصرف کنندگان داراست. برندهای داخلی باید در نحوه قیمت گذاری انعطاف پذیری لازم را داشته باشند و همچنین از تخفیف های ماهانه و سالانه که فروشگاه های خارجی استفاده می کنند غافل نباشند و آن ها نیز علاوه بر راهکارهای قدرتمند دیگر از این قضیه نیز استفاده کنند.
  50. ارتباط بین دانش و نگرش تماشاچیان لیگ برتر فوتبال نسبت به بازاریابی پنهان
    پزوهش حاضر با هدف تعیین میزان دانش و نگرش تماشاچیان لیگ برتر فوتبال کشور نسبت به بازاریابی پنهان با توجه به روش تحقیق توصیفی- همبستگی انجام شده است. جامعه آماری این پژوهش را تماشاچیان شامل کلیه تماشاچیان لیگ برتر فوتبال کشور بود. با توجه به نامشخص بودن حجم جامعه، نمونه آماری به صورت تصادفی و در دسترس از بین تماشاچیان حاضر در ورزشگاه فوتبال غدیر در استان خوزستان واقع در شهر اهواز به تعداد 236 نفر انتخاب شدند. ابزار جمع آوری اطلاعات پرسشنامه محقق ساخته بود. روایی صوری و محتوایی پرسشنامه توسط اساتید متخصص مورد تأیید قرار گرفت. جهت تجزیه و تحلیل دادهها از آزمونهای تی تک نمونه، ضریب همبستگی پیرسون، تحلیل واریانس تک متغیره استفاده شده است. نتایج نشان داد که دانش و و نگرش تماشاچیان نسبت به بازاریابی پنهان کمتر از حد بهینه است (میانگین 3) و اینکه تماشاچیان نسبت به بازاریابی پنهان بی تفاوت هستند. همچنین نتایج این پزوهش حاکی از آن است که تنها در مؤلفه دانش مرتبط با بازاریابی پنهان و آن هم تنها در متغیرهای جمعیت شناختی؛ سابقه ی تماشاچی بودن و سطح تحصیلات نسبت به بازاریابی پنهان ارتباط مثبت و معنی داری وجود دارد. نتایج این پژوهش هر چند تا حدودی آگاهی و نگرش تماشاچیان نسبت به بازاریابی پنهان را مشخص نمود، همچنین نشان داد که جامعه برای آگاهی و درک بیشتر تماشاچیان و ارائه دیدگاه صحیح در جهت جذب حامیان مالی و حمایت از آنان برای سرمایه گذاری در ورزش فوتبال کشور به راهبردهای قانونمندتر و تحقیقات بیشتر در زمینه بازاریابی پنهان نیاز دارد.
  51. رابطه وضعیت اقتصادی - اجتماعی خانواده با مشارکت ورزشی دانش آموزان استان آذربایجان غربی
    هدف از اجرای این پژوهش بررسی رابطه بین وضعیت اقتصادی - اجتماعی با مشارکت ورزشی دانش آموزان استان آذربایجان غربی بود. روش تحقیق در این پژوهش توصیفی از نوع همبستگی و جامعه آماری شامل دانش آموزان دو شهرستان سردشت و پرانشهر به تعداد تقریبی 6000 نفر (1393) بود. به دلیل کثرت تعداد افراد جامعه، حجم نمونه با توجه به جدول مورگان 300 نفر در نظر گرفته شد. ابزار تحقیق شامل دو پرسشنامه استاندارد مشارکت ورزشی شارتلی (1999) و پرسشنامه وضعیت اقتصادی - اجتماعی رضوی و همکاران (1388) می باشد. برای تعیین روایی صوری و محتوایی (از نظر متخصصین)، روایی سازه (تحلیل عاملی) و پایایی (از آلفای کرونباخ) استفاده گردید. پایایی پرسشنامه ها به ترتیب 0/766 و 0/762 تعیین گردید. برای تجزیه و تحلیل آماری از آمار توصیفی و استنباطی (آزمون پیرسون، رگرسیون خطی و آزمون کولموگروف اسمیرنف) مناسب با استفاده از نرم افزار spss نسخه 20 استفاده گردید. یافته های تحقیق نشان داد که رابطه مثبت، متوسط و معنی داری بین وضعیت اقتصادی- اجتماعی با مشارکت ورزشی وجود دارد و متغیر وضعیت اقتصادی - اجتماعی توانایی پیش بینی متغیر مشارکت ورزشی را دارد.
  52. پیش بینی میزان اخلاق حرفه ای در تدریس و انحراف سازمانی بر اساس ارزش های فردی در اعضای هیأت علمی تربیت بدنی و علوم ورزشی منطقه غرب ایران
    پایبندی اعضای هیأت علمی تربیت بدنی به اصول اخلاق حرفه ای در تدریس و دور بودن از انحرافات سازمانی، هم از منظر توسعه فرهنگ سازمانی و هم از منظر انتقال صفات برجسته انسانی به دانشجویان و در نتیجه اشاعه آن در جامعه، بسیار حائز اهمیت است. هدف از این پژوهش پیش-بینی میزان اخلاق حرفه ای در تدریس و انحراف سازمانی بر اساس ارزش های فردی در اعضای هیأت علمی تربیت بدنی بود. روش تحقیق از نوع همبستگی و از نظر هدف کاربردی بود. جامعه پژوهشی 35 نفر از اعضای هیأت علمی تربیت بدنی منطقه غرب کشور بودند که به عنوان نمونه تحقیق در نظر گرفته شدند که از این تعداد 25 نفر (71%)در تحقیق شرکت نمودند. ابزار اندازه-گیری سه پرسشنامه اخلاق حرفه ای در تدریس اله ویسی، انحراف سازمانی رابینسون و بنت و ارزش های فردی روکیچ بود. جهت تحلیل داده ها از آزمون کلموگروف اسمیرنف، ضریب همبستگی پیرسون، آزمون فریدمن و رگرسیون خطی استفاده شد. نتایج تحقیق نشان داد، بین ارزش های فردی با اخلاق حرفه ای در تدریس ارتباط معنا دار بود (002/0=p) و به ازای هر یک درجه تغییر در ارزش های فردی36% تغییرات در اخلاق حرفه ای ایجاد گردید.اما بین ارزش های فردی با انحراف سازمانی ارتباط معنا داری نبود ( 260/0=p) و ارزش های فردی پیش بین کننده انحراف سازمانی نیست. پس تقویت ارزش های فردی از قبیل سخت کوشی، خلاقیت، وظیفه شناسی و خوش رو بودن می تواند اخلاق حرفه ای در تدریس اساتید را بهبود ببخشد.
  53. شناسایی رابطه هوش هیجانی و یادگیری سازمانی با فراموشی سازمانی هدفمند در کارکنان ادارات ورزش و جوانان استان کرمانشاه
    هدف از اجرای این پژوهش بررسی رابطه بین هوش هیجانی و یادگیری سازمانی با فراموشی سازمانی هدفمند در کارکنان ادارات ورزش و جوانان استان کرمانشاه بود. روش تحقیقی در این پژوهش توصیفی از نوع همبستگی و جامعه آماری تحقیق شامل تمام کارمندان ادارات مذکور حداقل با یک سال سابقه کاری و برخورداری از مدرک تحصیلی دیپلم به تعداد 137 نفر (سال 1391) بود. به دلیل محدودیت تعداد افراد جامعه، حجم نمونه نیز برابر با حجم جامعه درنظر گرفته شد. ابزار تحقیق شامل پرسشنامه ای در چهار بخش بود، بخش اول ویژگیهای فردی؛ بخش دوم پرسشنامه هوش هیجانی سیبریاشرینگ (1995) شامل خودآگاهی، خودکنترلی، خودانگیزی، مهارت اجتماعی، همدلی؛ بخش سوم پرسشنامه یادگیری سازمانی قربان زاده (1387) شامل خلق اطلاعات، تعبیر و تفسیر اطلاعات، بکارگیری اطلاعات، نهادینه کردن دانش و بخش چهارم پرسشنامه فراموشی سازمانی هدفمند محمودوند (1390) شامل دانش موجود و دانش جدید که برای تعیین روایی صوری و محتوایی (از نظر متخصصین)، روایی سازه (از تحلیل عاملی تأییدی) و پایایی (از آلفای کرونباخ) استفاده گردید. پایایی پرسشنامه به ترتیب 898/0، 894/0 و 872/0 تعیین شد. برای تجزیه و تحلیل آماری نیز از آمار توصیفی و استنباطی (آزمون همبستگی چندگانه، رگرسیون چندمتغیری) با استفاده از نرم افزار spss نسخه 20 و LISREL نسخه 52/8 استفاده گردید. یافته های تحقیق نشان داد که رابطه مثبت، متوسط و معنی داری بین هوش هیجانی و فراموشی سازمانی وجود دارد اما متغیر هوش هیجانی توانایی پیش بینی فراموشی سازمانی هدفمند را ندارد. رابطه مثبت و قوی و معنی داری بین یادگیری سازمانی و فراموشی سازمانی هدفمند وجود دارد و متغیر یادگیری سازمانی توانایی پیش بینی فراموشی سازمانی هدفمند را دارد. به طور کلی می توان گفت با تقویت و گسترش هوش هیجانی و یادگیری سازمانی می توان فراموشی سازمانی هدفمند را در ادارات ورزش و جوانان توسعه داده و بهبود بخشید.
  54. فرایند تحلیل سلسله مراتبی فروش تولیدات ورزشی خارجی بر اساس دیدگاه فروشندگان
    امروزه بنگاه هایی در کسب سود موفق می گردند که در جلب رضایت مشتریان خود در بازارهای هدف بیش تر تلاش نمایند.خریداران امروز باانبوهی از محصولات مواجه هستند و انتظارات آن ها در مورد کیفیت کالاها و خدمات با گذشته تفاوت زیادی دارد.باتوجه به این واقعیت ها،خریداران،کالاها و خدماتی راانتخاب خواهند کرد که با نیازها و انتظارات آن ها مطابقت بیش تری داشته باشد. وظیفه بخش بازاریابی شرکت ها ایجاب می کند که عوامل مؤثر بر رضایت مشتریان را شناسایی و جهت جلب رضایت مشتریان خود تلاش نمایند. (Lu¨thje C 2004) بزرگ ترین سرمایه های شرکت، مشتریان آن ها می باشند ،محصولات می آیند و می روند، و لی آنچه امروز بر ای سازما ن ها ارزش می آفرینندایجاد رابطه مستمر با مشتر ی است.( Hapson at al 2002) بازاریابی اجرای فعالیتهایی است که جریان ارائه کالا و خدمات از تولیدکننده به مصرف کننده را به منظور ارضاء نمودن نیازهای مشتری و نیز تحقق اهداف سازمانی هدایت می نماید(Masayuki,2012) یک فرآیند اجتماعی است که افراد و گروهها را قادر می سازد تا از طریق تولید ، عرضه ومبادله محصولات و خدمات ارزشمند به آنچه مورد نیاز است دست یابند .( 2011 ، Inoue, Yuhei) بازار یابی ورزشی شامل سه بخش عمده با نام های بازاریابی تبلیغات ورزشی، بازاریابی محصولات ورزشی وبازاریابی عملیات ورزشی میباشد.( حسن زاده، مهرداد1386) بازاریابی ورزشی فرایند برنامه ریزی و تحقق ایده، قیمت گزاری، تبلیغات، و توزیع محصولات و خدمات یا عقاید واندیشه های ورزشی است،به نحوی که مبادله ای ایجاد نماید تا اهداف فردی و سازمانی با این مبادله ارضا شود.( سیدعامری1389) در گذشته بازاریابی فروش محصولات و عرضه ی خدمات بسیار ساده بوده است.جمعیت جهان کم و کالا و محصولات هم محدود بودند. اما پس از گذشت سالها و با افزایش جمعیت و رونق یافتن اقتصاد کشورها ،بازارها نیز رونق یافتند،محصولات و کالاها نیز متنوعتر،جذابتر،و با کمیت بالاتری عرضه شدند.( سیدعامری1389) در حال حاضر، صنعت 152 میلیارد دلا ری ورزش در آمریکا با رشدی 50 درصدی در 4 میلیون شغل به طور غیرمستقیم ،طی یک دهه و اشتغال 24 هزار نفر به طور مستقیم ویکی از ده صنعت برتر در ایالات متحده امریکا است که به سرعت در حال رشد است.( Mullin, B.J2006) در عصر کنونی، یکی از عناصر کلیدی مدیریت به منظور دستیابی به توفیق در اداره ی سازمانهاو