Faculty Profile

Mohammad Rostami
Update: 2024-10-17

Mohammad Rostami

Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences / Department of Consulting Group

Articles Faculty

Journal Papers

  1. "Cyber victimization and suicidal behavior in high school students: The mediating role of psychological problems and perceived social support"
    Mohammad Rostami, Soleyman Ahmed Boukani, Reza Abbasi Rad, Niloofar Sarhangi, Mohadeseh Fasihi
    Psychology in the Schools, 2023
  2. "The Relationship of Mobile-Based Social Network Addiction and Family Communication Patterns, with Behavioral Problems in Secondary School Students: The Mediating Role of Emotional Self-Regulation"
    Mohammad Rostami, Mohadeseh Fasihi
    Psychology in Russia: State of the Art, 2023
  3. "Reasons for Living for Young Adults-II (RFL-YA-II): Psychometric Properties Among Iranian Students"
    Mohammad Rostami, Soleyman Ahmed Boukani
    Journal of Practice in Clinical Psychology, 2022
  4. "Drug type and risk behaviors associated with non-fatal overdose among people who use drugs: a systematic review and meta-analysis"
    Mohammad Rostami, Bahram Armoon, Neda SoleimanvandiAzar, Peter Higgs, Azadeh Bayani, Amir-Hossein Bayat, Rasool Mohammadi, Elahe Ahounbar, Ladan Fattah Moghaddam
  5. "Determinants of Students’ Attitudes Toward People With Physical-Motor Disability"
    Mohammad Rostami, Soleyman Ahmed Boukani
    Journal of Practice in Clinical Psychology, 2022
  6. "Big Five Personality Traits and Predicting Mental Health among Iranian Older Adults"
    Mohammad Rostami, Soleyman Ahmed Boukani, Hiva Saleh Manijeh
    Gerontology and Geriatric Medicine, 2022
  7. "Structural Factors Contributing to Suicidal Ideation in Iranian Older Adults: A Grounded Theory Approach"
    Mohammad Rostami, Seyyed Jalal Younesi, Farahnaz Mohammadi Shahboulaghi, Seyed Kazem Malakouti, Mahshid Foroughan
    The Journal of Qualitative Research in Health Sciences, 2022
  8. "A Systematic Review of Suicide Prevention Interventions in Military Personnel"
    Mohammad Rostami, Fatemeh Rahmati-Najarkolaei, Mahmood Salesi, Esfandiar Azad
  9. "Development of the Coronavirus Anxiety Model in the Elderly: Based on Hope and Health-Related Quality of Life With the Mediating Role of Perceived Social Support"
    Mohammad Rostami, Soleyman Ahmed Boukani, Hiva Saleh Manijeh
    Gerontology and Geriatric Medicine, 2021
  10. "Determinants of Suicidal Ideation among Older Adults"
    Mohammad Rostami, Seyyed Jalal Younesi, Mahshid Foroughan
  11. "Marital Satisfaction and Happiness in Parents With Autistic and Normal Children"
    Mohammad Rostami, Asghar Dadkhah, Hosein Hoseinnejad, Farhad Chopaniyan, Omid Sarvi Moghanlo
    Iranian Rehabilitation Journal, 2020
  12. "Improving the Self-Esteem and Aggression Control of Deaf Adolescent Girls: The Effectiveness of Life Skills Training"
    Mohammad Rostami, Arezoo Abedi, Nasrin Sudmand, Guita Movallali, Asghar Dadkhah, Poriya Reza Soltani
    Journal of Practice in Clinical Psychology, 2020
  13. "Reliability and Validity of the 10-Item Personality Inventory among Older Iranians"
    Mohammad Rostami, Manoochehr Azkhosh, Robab Sahaf, Amir Ahmadi
    Psychology in Russia: State of the Art, 2019
  14. "Subjective Wellbeing and Interpersonal Problems in the Mothers of Students With Learning Disabilities"
    Mohammad Rostami, Guita Movallali, Mehdi Sharifi, Shafigh mehraban, Farshad Zarei
    Iranian Rehabilitation Journal, 2019
  15. "Models of suicide in elderly: a protocol for a systematic review"
    Mohammad Rostami, Seyyed Jalal Younesi, Farahnaz Mohammadi Shahboulaghi, Seyed Kazem Malakouti, Mahshid Foroughan
    BMJ Open, 2018
  16. "The relationship between self-knowledge sources and mental disorders in Iranian population"
    Mohammad Rostami, Seyyed Jalal Younesi, Mojtaba Abbasi Asl, Javad Kazemi
    Journal of Health Research and Reviews (in Developing Countries), 2018
  17. "Effectiveness of Cognitive Behavioral Therapy Training in Reducing Depression in Visually Impaired Male Students"
    Mohammad Rostami, Seyyed Jalal Younesi, Erfan Soleimani Sefat, Asghar Dadkhah
    Iranian Rehabilitation Journal, 2017
  18. "Happiness of Male Adolescents With Disabled Physical Mobility: Benefits of Mental Rehabilitation Based on Positive Thinking Skills Training"
    Mohammad Rostami, Seyyed Jalal Younesi, Erfan Soleimani Sefat, Zeinab Mohammad-Alipour, Shayesteh Nejati, Maedeh Naghiyaee, Amirhosain Hosainpour
    Iranian Rehabilitation Journal, 2017
  19. "Iranian Adolescents With Physical-Motor Disabilities: Needs and Problems in Education and Employment"
    Mohammad Rostami, Seyyed Jalal Younesi, Guita Movallali, Mehdi Sharifi, Maryam Sharifian Sani
    Iranian Rehabilitation Journal, 2016
  20. "Social Competence of Students with Learning Disability: Advantages of Verbal Self-Instructional Package"
    Mohammad Rostami, Fatemeh Rahemi Noushabadi, Narges Adib Sereshki, Firuzeh Sajedi
    Iranian Rehabilitation Journal, 2015
  21. "Maladaptive Schemas and Affective Control in Students with Learning Disability: Benefits of Mindfulness-Based Cognitive Therapy"
    Mohammad Rostami, Nasrollah veysi, Zohreh Zangooi, Mohammad Ali Khaksar Beldachi
    Iranian Rehabilitation Journal, 2015
  22. "بررسی اثر توانبخشی روانی مبتنی بر آموزش مهارتهای مثبتاندیشی بر افزایش شادکامی نوجوانان کمشنو"
    Mohammad Rostami, Seyyed Jalal Younesi, Guita Movallali, Driush Farhood, Akbar Biglarian
    Auditory and Vestibular Research, 2014
  23. "Depression and Deaf Adolescents: A review"
    Mohammad Rostami, Guita Movallali, Bahman Bahmani, Vahid Bakhtyari
    Iranian Rehabilitation Journal, 2014
  24. "Social Anxiety in Students with Learning Disability: Benefits of Acceptance and Commitment Therapy"
    Mohammad Rostami, Nasrollah veysi, Fatemeh Jafarian Dehkordi, Emad Alkasir
    Journal of Practice in Clinical Psychology, 2014
  25. "Effect of Life Review Therapy on self-actualization and Happiness of the Elderly in Iran"
    Mohammad Rostami, Seyyed Jalal Younesi, Mahshid Foroughan, Naseh Mohammadi Safa, Sina Ahmadi
    سالمند, 2024
  26. "Investigation of the Psychometric Characteristics of the Persian Version of the Partner Phubbing Scale in Iranian Couples"
    Omid Isanejad, Mohammad Rostami, Zakarya Etesami
    مشاوره و روان درمانی خانواده, 2023
  27. "عوامل مرتبط با افکار خودکشی در سربازان وظیفه ایرانی"
    Mohammad Rostami, Fatemeh Rahmati-Najarkolaei, Mahmood Salesi
    طب نظامي, 2022
  28. "اثربخشی درمان شناختی رفتاری کوتاه مدت بر کاهش افکار خودکشی سربازان وظیفه"
    Mohammad Rostami, Fatemeh Rahmati-Najarkolaei, Esfandiar Azad
    طب نظامي, 2021
  29. "رابطه طرحواره های ناسازگار اولیه و ویژگی های شخصیتی با مشکلات رفتاری در دانش آموزان"
    Galavizh alizade, Mohammad Rostami, Jafar Rahmanzadeh Moghadam
    روانشناسي افراد استثنايي, 2021
  30. "Marital satisfaction in deaf couples: a review study"
    Mohammad Rostami, Arezoo Abedi, Somayeh Abedi, Nasrin Sudmand, Guita Movallali
    Auditory and Vestibular Research, 2018
  31. "نقش شفقت به خود در رفتارهای پرخطر دانشجویان"
    Mohammad Rostami, Seyyd Mohsen Hojatkhah, Saeid Abbasi, Soleyman Ahmed Boukani
    مطالعات راهبردي ورزش و جوانان, 2017
  32. "اثربخشی آموزش گروهی مهارت های زندگی بر کنترل خشم نوجوانان کم شنوا"
    Mohammad Rostami, Nasrin Sudmand, Guita Movallali, Asghar Dadkhah, Mona sattari
    پژوهش هاي كاربردي روانشناختي, 2016
  33. "تأثیر آموزش مهارت های مثبت اندیشی بر فرسودگی شغلی پرستاران"
    Mohammad Rostami, naser Sedghi Goyaghaj, maryam Khosrozadeh, Mohammad Ali Hosseini
    روان پرستاري, 2016
  34. "رابطه ی هوش معنوی با سلامت عمومی در دانشجویان"
    Mohammad Rostami, Vahid Bakhtyari, Mehdi Sharifi, Shafigh mehraban, Saeid Baziar, Zeinab Mohammad-Alipour
    فصلنامه رفاه اجتماعي, 2015
  35. "تأثیر برنامه آموزش مهارت های زندگی بر مؤلفه های رضایت زناشویی انریچ در زنان ناشنوای ایرانی"
    Mohammad Rostami, Arezoo Abedi, Guita Movallali, Asghar Dadkhah, Poriya Reza Soltani
    پژوهش هاي كاربردي روانشناختي, 2015
  36. "رابطه سبک های دلبستگی و رفتارهای پرخطر"
    Mohammad Rostami, Zeinab Mohammad-Alipour, Maryam Ghaemmaghami
    اعتياد پژوهي, 2010